


A tester application for MongoYii.

The scenario for this application is as a Wikipedia type thing. It has full session and user handling with the ability to CRUD articles and comments.

This repository is designed for those who already know Yii but not MongoYii. If you are unsure about Yii please inspect the tutorial at: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/blog/

This test application is still extremely basic, as time progresses it will become more complex to examine all areas of using MongoYii, however, for the minute it is as it is.

Areas of particular interest to individuals might be within the protected/components folder where I do full session handling through MongoYii.


This repository is also used by me for bug fixing and adding/testing new features for MongoYii so it might not always run smoothly, however, its code is still complete and ready for use.