

FoodMagic ✨

An Augmendted Reailty app Food app built with Flutter and AR

FoodMagic is a unique take on food delivery using augmented reality and stunning UI.


<pre> <img src="./images/1.gif" width="300" height="600"/> <img src="./images/7.gif" width="300" height="600"/> <img src="./images/8.gif" width="300" height="600"/> <img src="./images/2.gif" width="300" height="600"/> <img src="./images/3.gif" width="300" height="600"/> <img src="./images/4.gif" width="300" height="600"/> <img src="./images/5.gif" width="300" height="600"/> </pre>

Tech Stack




Setup and Development

If you wish to contribute to this repository, please fork the repository, make your chnages on a new branch and make a pull request.

To View AR scenes, please ensure you have Google AR core services enabled on your phone.

The initial build and install will take a few minutes as all of the AR model are assets in the app. There's currently an issue #17 trying to improve it to be remote, which wasn't possible due to Scenform's deprecation. If in the future there is a flutter AR core plugin using the latest AR core package, the app's AR performace can be improved.

Setup AppWrite (version 0.8.0 required)

Initial Steps

AppWrite is required to run this project succesfully.

FoodMagic uses AppWrite as a backend as a service for storing data, authentication and file storage.

Once you have appwrite successfully running as a docker container,

Run Scripts

Setup Functions

 appwrite functions createTag \
    --functionId= <your function id> \
    --command='dart main.dart' \