

Visualizing Feature Maps for Model Selection in Convolutional Neural Networks

Using this code you can visualize the features represented by a layer in a CNN using Guided Backpropagation (GBP) and calculate the SSIM Cut to find optimal depth to avoid overfitting.


Python 3.7 or later

see requirement.txt for exact authors environment.

Training the ResNet-50

At first, we need to train a model and save the model. The following code will train a model on Weedling dataset and save the model that has the highest testing accuracy.

python Train_ResNet_Save_Model.py

Calculating GBP of Each Convolutional Layer of ResNet-50

Next, we need to calculate GBP of each convolutional layer of ResNet-50, as follows

python Save_Layerwise_GBP.py

Save_Layerwise_GBP.py takes a trained model and saves the GBP of each layer in, 'results/'.


Finally we need to run

python SSIM_Cut.py

SSIM_Cut.py takes the generated GBP images and calculate the SSIM Cut Curve for that model and saves the result in, './results'.


Here is an example of the GBP of different models on the Weedling dataset:

An image GBP of the final convolutional layer for different CNN models used in the study on the Weedling dataset.