

GF GrammarHelper

GF GrammarHelper is a library designed to facilitate the generation of Grammatical Framework (GF) grammar files tailored for various NLP tasks.

Before diving into the library, we highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the basics of GF by reading the Grammatical Framework Tutorial first to get a basic understanding of GF.

To reproduce the grammars used in the paper, please refer to the Reproduce the grammars needed for the paper section.


Incorporating the insights presented in this paper, formal grammar can be employed to represent a task-specific language. Leveraging a runtime that supports partial parsing, this formal grammar can incrementally parse sentences, guiding the production of the subsequent permissible tokens.

Using the GF GrammarHelper library, the process of employing formal grammar for constrained language generation is delineated into four steps:



pip install -r requirements.txt

Add the root folder of this repository to PYTHONPATH environment variable.

# in the root folder of this repository
export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd):$PYTHONPATH"  # this is required to run scripts in `example/` folder

Reproduce the grammars needed for the paper

bash generate_gcd_grammars.sh

The generated grammars are saved in output/grammars/gf/ and output/grammars/pgf/ folders. The gf files are the source files of the grammars, and the pgf files are the compiled files of the grammars. Only the pgf files are directly used by the GF runtime for constrained text generation.
