

@sabaki/immutable-gametree Build Status

An immutable game tree data type.


Use npm to install:

$ npm install @sabaki/immutable-gametree


const GameTree = require('@sabaki/immutable-gametree')

let tree = new GameTree()

let newTree = tree.mutate(draft => {
  let id1 = draft.appendNode(draft.root.id, {B: ['dd']})
  let id2 = draft.appendNode(id1, {W: ['dq']})

  draft.addToProperty(id2, 'W', 'qd')

console.log(newTree !== tree)
// => true
// => 0
// => 1
// => ['dq', 'qd']


Node Object

A node is represented by an object of the following form:

  id: <Primitive>,
  data: {
    [property: <String>]: <Array<Primitive>>
  parentId: <Primitive> | null,
  children: <Array<NodeObject>>

Currents Object

A node can have a distinguished child. You can specify the distinguished children of nodes with an object of the following form:

  [id: <Primitive>]: <Primitive>

Every value is the id of the distinguished child of the node with its key as id. If the currents object doesn't specify a distinguished child for a node, the default will be the first child index-wise.

class GameTree

new GameTree([options])


<Function> - The getId function will be called to get an id for each appended node. It should return a primitive value which is unique for each call. Defaults to a simple counter.

This property will be inherited across mutations.


<Function> - When appending a new node during mutations, you can instruct your GameTree to automatically merge your new data into an existing node when desired. The merger function has the following signature:

(node: <NodeObject>, data: <Object>) -> <Object> | null

where node is a merge candidate and data the data to be appended. Return null if you do not want data to be merged into the existing node. Return an object (representing the merged data) if you want node to get that data instead (and no new nodes are going to be appended).

This property will be inherited across mutations.


<NodeObject> - The root node.


Searches the whole tree for a node with the specified id and returns a node object. If a node with the specified id doesn't exist, it will return null. Each instance of GameTree will maintain a cache.

Please refrain from mutating the returned object to ensure immutability.


A generator function that yields node objects, starting with the node of the given id and continuing with its children until we reach a descendant which has multiple or no children.


The mutator will be called with a Draft class. In the mutator function you will apply all your changes to the draft. Returns a new GameTree instance with the changes you applied to the draft, without changing the original GameTree instance.

We use structural sharing to make mutations fairly efficient.

tree.navigate(id, step, currents)

Starts at the node with the given id, takes the specified step forward or backward with respect to currents, and returns the node at the new position.


A generator function that yields all the nodes as node objects of the game tree.

*tree.listNodesHorizontally(startId, step)

A generator function that yields the nodes as node objects of the game tree by walking horizontally along the game tree (left if step is -1, otherwise right) starting at the node with id startId.

*tree.listNodesVertically(startId, step, currents)

A generator function that yields the nodes as node objects of the game tree by walking vertically along given currents (up if step is -1, otherwise down) starting at the node with id startId.


Equivalent to tree.listNodesVertically(tree.root.id, 1, currents).


Equivalent to tree.listCurrentNodes({}).


Returns an integer denoting the level of the node with the given id. If node doesn't exist, it will return null.


A generator function that yields all nodes of the given level.


Equivalent to [...tree.listCurrentNodes(currents)].length.


Calculates and returns the height of the tree as an integer. This value will be cached across mutations when possible.


Calculates and returns a hash of the whole tree as a string. This value will be cached.


Calculates and returns a hash of the tree structure as a string. This value will be cached across mutations when possible.

tree.onCurrentLine(id, currents)

Returns whether the node with the given id is the root node or a distinguished descendant of the root node with respect to currents.


Equivalent to tree.onCurrentLine(id, {}).


Returns tree.root.

class Draft


See tree.root.


See tree.get(id).

draft.appendNode(parentId, data[, options])

Appends a new node with the given data to the node with id parentId. Returns null if operation has failed, otherwise the id of the new node. If disableMerging is set to true, automatic merging via tree.merger will be disabled.

draft.UNSAFE_appendNodeWithId(parentId, id, data[, options])

Appends a new node with the given id and data to the node with id parentId. Returns false if operation has failed, otherwise true.

Make sure the id provided does not already exist in the tree and that the getId function will never return id. We won't do any checks for you.


Removes the node with given id. Throws an error if specified id represents the root node. Returns false if operation has failed, otherwise true.

draft.shiftNode(id, direction)

Changes the position of the node with the given id in the children array of its parent node. If direction is 'main', the node will be shifted to the first position. Returns null if operation has failed, otherwise the new index.


Makes the node with the given id the root node of the mutated tree. Returns false if operation has failed, otherwise true.

draft.addToProperty(id, property, value)

Adds the given value to the specified property of the node with the given id. Ignores duplicate values. If data doesn't include the given property, it will add it. Returns false if operation has failed, otherwise true.

draft.removeFromProperty(id, property, value)

Removes the given value from the specified property of the node with the given id. If property list gets empty, the property key will be removed from data. Returns false if operation has failed, otherwise true.

draft.updateProperty(id, property, values)

Sets the specified property of the node with the given id as values. Refrain from mutating values to ensure immutability. Returns false if operation has failed, otherwise true.

draft.removeProperty(id, property)

Removes the specified property from the node. Returns false if operation has failed, otherwise true.
