

The SWI-Prolog web-site

This repository contains the software of http://www.swi-prolog.org. The (wiki) content of the website and required add-ons are stored in git submodules. These must be installed separately using the command below. To install the site from scratch locally, perform the following commands:

  1. Downloading the site

    % git clone https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/plweb.git
    % cd plweb
    % git submodule update --init
  2. For a full installation, install the dynamic data. The .db files must be writeable by the server process.

    <dl> <dt>annotations.db</dt> <dd>Comments on web pages</dd> <dt>tags.db</dt> <dd>Tags on web pages</dd> <dt>openid.db</dt> <dd>User administration</dd> <dt>packs.db</dt> <dd>Known packages</dd> <dt>post.db</dt> <dd>News posts</dd> <dt>reviews.db</dt> <dd>Pack reviews</dd> <dt>download</dt> <dd>Points to the download directory</dd> </dl>

    Install the download descriptions by running the script install-custom

  3. Create directories for logging and pack mirrors. These directories must be writeable by the server and new directories created below must have the same permissions:

    % mkdir log pack
    % chgrp www-data log pack
    % chmod g+ws log pack

Running the site

After installation, the website may be started locally using the commands below. After that, you have access to the same content as available from https://www.swi-prolog.org, except for the download section of the website.

% swipl load.pl -p 8080 -i

Running as daemon using Ubuntu upstart

A good way to run the website on a Linux server is by creating a Linux container using lxc. After installing the server, you can enable it to start at boot time by copying upstart/swi-prolog.conf to /etc/init after editing it to suit your configuration requirements. By default, the server runs as user www-data, group www-data as specified in the above configuration file.

Make sure the following components are writeable to the server process. For files, this means mode 664, group www-data. For directories, this means mode 2775, group www-data.

Issues with the locally running site