


NNNamedEntity is a package for Named Entity Recognition using neural networks based on package LibN3L. It includes different combination of Neural network architectures (TNN, RNN, GatedNN, LSTM and GRNN) with Objective function(sigmoid, CRF max-margin, CRF maximum likelihood). It also provides the capability of combination of Sparse feature with above models. In addition, this package can easily support various user-defined neural network structures.

Demo system

The demo system includes English name entity recognition sample data("Entity.train", "Entity.dev" and "Entity.test", English word embeding sample file("sena.emb" and parameter setting file("demo.option". All of these files are gathered at folder NNNamedEntity/example.

This demo system runs a SparseTNNCRFMLLabeler model which means a traditional neural network with sparse feature and use CRF maximun likelihood as the objective function.

The demo system will generate three files: "Entity.devOUTdemo", "demo.model" and "Entity.test.output" at NNNamedEntity/example. "Entity.devOUTdemo" is the tagged dev file during training process. "demo.model" is the best predicting model in all training process. "Entity.test.output" is the final tagged result for "Entity.test" in tagger process based on the generated model "demo.model".


Feature format

Consider following sentence in Entity.test:

Foreign - invested enterprises have played a prominent role in improving China 's export commodity structure .

The sample features for word China is

China [S]PoCNNP [S]PoBiLVBG.NNP [S]PoBiNNNP.POS [S]PoTrVBG.NNP.POS [S]WPCChina.NNP [S]UnCChina [S]UnLimproving [S]UnN's [S]CaC1 [S]CaL0 [S]CaN0 [S]CaCC1China [S]CaLC0China [S]CaNC0China [S]CaLL0improving [S]CaNN0's [S]ShC2111 [S]ShL1111 [S]ShN3133 [S]BShL11112111 [S]BShN21113133 [S]ConCnone [S]ConLnone [S]ConNnone [S]ConCaL0none [S]ConCaN0none [S]CaConL1none [S]BiLTin.improving [S]BiNT's.export [S]BiLimproving.China [S]BiNChina.'s [S]ClC301 [S]ClL448 [S]ClN181 [S]BClL448.301 [S]BClN301.181 [S]PrC0C [S]PrC1h [S]PrC2i [S]PrC3n [S]SuC0h [S]SuC1i [S]SuC2n [S]SuC3a [S]SuL0v [S]SuL1i [S]SuL2n [S]SuL3g [S]PrN0' [S]PrN1s [S]PrN2*N* [S]PrN3*N* [T]NNP B-GPE


Monitoring information

During the running of this NER system, it may print out the follow log information:

Recall: P=97/199=0.487437, Accuracy: P=97/162=0.598765, Fmeasure: 0.537396


Recall: P=158/267=0.59176, Accuracy: P=158/226=0.699115, Fmeasure: 0.640974

Exceeds best previous performance of 0.523161. Saving model file..

The first "Recall..." line shows the performance of the dev set and the second "Recall..." line shows you the performance of the test set.
