

Any-Precision LLM: Low-Cost Deployment of Multiple, Different-Sized LLMs [Paper]


Any-precision LLM is a memory-efficient and cost-effective solution for deployment of multiple, different sized LLMs. Specifically, any-precision LLM redues the memory cost of deplying multiple, different-sized LLMs by overlaying LLMs quantized to varying bit-widths, such as 3, 4, ..., n bits, into a memory footprint comparable to a single n-bit LLM. This includes a lightweight any-precision quantization technique for LLMs called incremental upscaling, and a specialized software engine for efficient serving, which is equipped with a custom CUDA kernel supporting bitplane-based weight representation.

<div align=center> <p align="center"> <img width="500" src="./figures/incremental_upscaling.png">

Illustration of incremental upscaling scheme

</p> <p align="center"> <img width="500" src="./figures/software_engine.png"> </p>

Illustration of specialized software engine for any-precision LLM




  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Install the required Python packages.
    We recommend using Python 3.11 with either Virtualenv or Conda to manage the dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install the Any-Precision CUDA kernels.

    cd any_precision/modules/kernels
    pip install .

    You will need to have CUDA toolkit 12 or higher installed on your machine to build the CUDA kernels. You will also need gcc-9 or higher.


To quantize a model to any-precision, run quantize.py with relevant arguments:

python quantize.py <model> [options]

The quantization process will automatically download the model from the Hugging Face repository if it is not already present.

The quantization process consists of the following steps:

  1. Gradient calculation: The gradients of the model are calculated, for a sensitivity metric for quantization.
  2. Upscaling: The model is quantized to the seed precision, and then incrementally upscaled to the parent precision.
  3. Packing: The quantized model is packed into a single file, with the weights stored in bitplanes.

All steps are performed automatically.

A cache directory is created to store both intermediate files and the final quantized model.
The final quantized model can be found under cache/packed.


Required Argument

Optional Arguments


Example Command

python quantize.py meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf

Supporting Different Models

Our quantization pipeline is designed to support any model that can be loaded from the Hugging Face repository, by automatically detecting the linear layers for quantization. However, for better reproducibility, we have preconfigured YAML files for the Llama, OPT, and Mistral models under the path any_precision_llm/analyzer/architectures.

This is what the YAML file for the Llama model looks like:

architecture: "LlamaForCausalLM"
  model_name: "model"
  layers_name: "layers"
    - "self_attn.q_proj"
    - "self_attn.k_proj"
    - "self_attn.v_proj"
    - "self_attn.o_proj"
    - "mlp.gate_proj"
    - "mlp.up_proj"
    - "mlp.down_proj"

The architecture field specifies what model class the YAML file is for. Under arch_config, the model_name field specifies the name of the model attribute that contains the model. The layers_name field specifies the name of the attribute that contains the layers of the model, under the model. The module_names field specifies the names of the linear layers to quantize.

For models with no corresponding YAML file under any_precision_llm/analyzer/architectures, the quantization process will attempt to automatically detect the linear layers to quantize. This is not guaranteed to work, and may result in incorrect quantization.

If you wish to experiment with different model types, you can create your own YAML file under the same directory, or specify the yaml_path argument to point to your custom YAML file, in which case the architecture field is unnecessary.


To use the quantized model for inference, you can use the AnyPrecisionForCausalLM class from the any_precision module.
Below is an example of how to load the quantized model and perform inference:

from any_precision import AnyPrecisionForCausalLM
from transformers import AutoTokenizer

quanitized_model_path = "./cache/packed/anyprec-(Llama-2-7b-chat-hf)-w8_orig3-gc1-c4_s100_blk512"

model = AnyPrecisionForCausalLM.from_quantized(
    fuse_layers=False,  # Will be supported in the future
    precisions=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]  # You may optionally specify a subset of supported precisions to load
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(quanitized_model_path)

# The following methods are supported by the quantized model, and work similarly to the original huggingface model.
# Note that you can specify the precision to use for each method.
model.forward(..., precision=3)
model.generate(..., precision=5)

# Or you can specify the precision like this:


We have provided a demo script to showcase the dynamic inference latency of the quantized model. To run the demo, execute the following command:

python demo.py

Note that the demo script requires the quantized Llama-2-7b-chat-hf model to be present in the cache directory.
Other models can be used by changing the model_path and original_model_path variables in the script.

The demo script will load the quantized model, and perform inference on a custom prompt, using specified precisions. Include 16 to measure the latency of the original model in fp16. The latency at each precision will be measured and displayed.

The demo will look like this when run properly:

AnyPrec Latency Demo

Please note that this demo serves as a proof-of-concept. Further optimizations in the inference pipeline are needed to achieve the best performance of our engine.


We have provided a script to evaluate the perplexity of the quantized model on various datasets. To run the evaluation, execute the following command:

python run_eval.py

You can specify which datasets to evaluate on by changing the datasets variable within the script.
The results are automatically appended to a JSON file. (By default, results.json)


Please cite our paper if you find our work useful:

      title={Any-Precision LLM: Low-Cost Deployment of Multiple, Different-Sized LLMs}, 
      author={Yeonhong Park and Jake Hyun and SangLyul Cho and Bonggeun Sim and Jae W. Lee},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning},