

Multi-Robot Consensus based Rendezvous in Robotarium

This repository contains the Matlab source codes (to use in Robotarium platform) of various rendezvous controllers from the state-of-the-art of consensus control in a multi-agent / multi-robot system. In addition, we propose a consensus controller using wireless netowrk measurements which uses the Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements and the Direction of Arrival (DOA) of wireless signals estimated using the RSS measurements.

Robotarium is a remotely accessible multi-robot experiment testbed provided by the Georgia Tech. https://www.robotarium.gatech.edu/

Installation instructions

  1. Install the Robotarium simulator available from this repository: https://github.com/robotarium/robotarium-matlab-simulator
  2. Download the current repository anywhere on your computer using the command "git clone https://github.com/SMARTlab-Purdue/robotarium-rendezvous-RSSDOA.git"

Usage instructions

  1. First navigate to the Robotarium folder where your downloaded the Robotarium source codes. And Run the "init.m" file to initialize the Matlab workspace and include necessary paths.
  2. Navigate to the current repository (robotarium-rendezvous-RSSDOA) folder
  3. Add to path (Include) the 'algorithms' and 'includes' directories into your Matlab path.
  4. Use the rendezvous_experiments_Robotarium_main.m file and choose your desired rendezvous algorithm (12 options currently available) along with experiment parameters and run this main file.
  5. Choose respective consensus control functions file in the "algorithms" folder to change/modify/update the algorithm.

Included Algorithm functions

We have implemented the following consensus control algorithms.

Coordinates based consensus (Rendezvous) algorithms - using relative position measurements

State-of-the-art Bearing-only consensus algorithms

State-of-the-art consensus controllers using both Range and Bearings

Other (possible) consensus controllers from the state-of-the-art : using both coordinates and bearings based controllers

Weighted Bearings Controller - consensus control using RSS and DOA of wireless signals

Included utility functions

We have provided the following utility functions to use it in the experiments. They can also be used as a standalone function.

Third party utility functions


If you find this work useful, please cite the below paper.

Parasuraman, R. and Min, B.C., 2019. Consensus control of distributed robots using direction of arrival of wireless signals. In Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 17-34). Springer, Cham.

Paper link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-05816-6_2 Preprint link: http://www.smart-laboratory.org/publications/ParasuramanDARS2018.pdf


For any queries, issues, and questions with the code, please contact Ramviyas Parasuraman (ramviyas at uga dot edu).


Ramviyas Parasuraman (ramviyas at uga dot edu): http://cobweb.cs.uga.edu/~ramviyas/

Byung-Cheol Min (minb at purdue dot edu): http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~minb/

SMART Lab - Purdue University: http://www.smart-laboratory.org/