This software performs the validation of <a href="">DCAT-AP</a> rdf files. Validation is performed via a web form which loads a file (Turtle, RDF/XML, N-triples, JSON-LD) as graph in a triplestore and it queries the triple store with a SPARQL query. The output of the validation can be in XML (HTML with xslt transformation), JSON, Text, CSV, TSV.
<h2>The validator</h2> The validator is located in the <b>pages</b> folder.The validator is based on the dcat-ap_validator.html file which includes the dcat.js file responsible for loading the SPARQL query (dcat-ap.rq) and contacting the triplestore (<a href="">Fuseki</a>). If the result of the query is in XML format there is an XSLT stylesheet applied (xml-to-html-dcat-ap).
<h2>Rules</h2>The SPARQL query contains several rules which are based on those available here: <a href="">DCAT-AP Final 1.1</a>
All the rules are stored in the <b>rules</b> folder. For almost each rule a test and a test data have been created.
Each rule is indicated with a progressive id number (starting from 0) and stored in a file named with the convention:
Therefore, for example, the rule 0 is stored in the file rule-0.rq.
Each rule is a SPARQL query which has been documented with <a href="">sparql-doc</a> annotations and validated with the <a href="">online sparql validator</a>.
When a rule is validated it is added to the dcat-ap.rq file (locates inside the pages folder) which is then loaded into the the web form via the dcat-ap_validator.js file.
<h2>Structure of a test data</h2> Test data are located in <b>tests-data</b> folder and they are xml/rdf files to be tested against.Each test data is directly connected to the rule id number and stored in a file named with the convention:
Therefore, for example, the test data related to the rule 0 is stored in the file test-rule-0.rdf Not all the test data are implemented, for example literals are not tested.
<h2>Tests</h2> Tests are located in <b>tests</b> folder and they are Javascript files.A test exists only if the test-data has been created. A test file follows the name convention:
Therefore, for example, the test which will validate again the test-rule-0.rdf will be called simply test-rule-0.js This is important because each test uses the rule number to open the related test data file.
Each tests performs 2 checks:
<ol> <li>The number of results of the validation of test data is the one expected</li> <li>The rule ID of the results is the one expected</li> </ol> <h2>Installation instructions</h2> <ol> <li>The validator uses Fuseki 1 as triple store which you can download from the <b>tools</b> directory ( or from an <a href="">Apache mirror site</a>.</li> <li>Unpack the binary distribution to your a <code>FUSEKI_HOME</code> folder of your choice.</li> <li>Copy the content of the <b>pages</b> folder under the <code>FUSEKI_HOME</code> folder. Keep the folder structure in tact. Verify that the file 'dcat-ap_validator.html' is in the <code>FUSEKI_HOME/pages</code> folder.</li> <li>Fuseki requires a <a href="">Java Runtime Environment</a> to be installed on your machine</li> </ol> <h2>User guide</h2> <ol> <li>Launch Fuseki using the command in 'start_dcat-ap_validator.bat'</li> <li>As of version 1.1.0 launch the node server using the command in 'start_dcat-ap_validator-server.bat'</li> <li>Direct your browser to <a href="http://localhost:3030/dcat-ap_validator.html">http://localhost:3030/dcat-ap_validator.html</a></li> <li>You get this page from Fuseki's internal web server.</li> <li>Select one or more RDF files that contain the software metadata to validate. Optionally, also controlled vocabularies can be incldued to verify correct usage of them.</li> <li>Optionally, you can set another SPARQL endpoint, output format, or even modify the SPARQL validation query. </li> <li>Hit the 'Validate' button. Fuseki returns the validation results within seconds.</li> </ol> <h2>Development</h2> The development process is based on: <ol> <li><a href="">Jenkins</a> to automate the launch of Ant and get the code from Github. Jenkins has been installed with: <ol> <li>the Github plugin, to download the code from GitHub</li> <li>the Violation plugin, to monitor the JSLint errors (inside the lib/csslint/jslint.xml file) and CSSlint erros (inside the lib/jslint/csslint.xml file)</li> <li>the Xunit plugin, to monitor the result of the test execution; the Xunit plugin reads the xunit.xml file locatd in <b>tests-execution</b> folder which is generated by casperjs ant task.</li> <li>the HTML publisher plugin, to create a link to JSDOC (lib/jsdoc/output/global.html) and Sparql-doc (sparql-doc/index.html) files on the jenkins job.</li> </ol> </li> <li><a href="">Ant</a> 1.9.6, which executes the build.xml to automate all the development process</li> <li><a href="">jslint4java</a> 2.0.5 which validates the javascript used by the validator accordingly to JSLint rules.</li> <li><a href="">csslint</a> 0.10.0 (with rhino 1.7.6) to evaluate css errors</li> <li><a href="">jsdoc3-ant-task-1.0</a> to generate jsdoc documentation</li> <li><a href="">sparql-doc</a> 0.0.4 which generates HTML documentation based on rules (SPARQL queries). Sparql-doc is installed on Windows machine after <a href="">Railsinstaller</a> 2.2.5 for Ruby 1.9 (required by sparql-doc) with the command:<code>gem install sparql-doc</code></li> <li><a href="">YUI compressor</a> to compress css and javascript files</li> <li><a href="">Jquery UI</a> to display tabs</li> <li><a href="">Codemirror</a> for syntax highlight in direct input tab and in the SPARQL query text area</li> <li><a href="">DataTables</a> 1.10 to display results with ordering, pagination and search.</li> <li><a href="">casperjs</a> 1.1 beta (based on phantomjs 1.9.2) to execute all the tests.</li> <li><a href="">Node</a> v4.2.1 for server requests with module request.</li> <li><a href="">JavaScript Cookie</a> v2.0.3 for cookie management.</li> </ol> <h2>TO DO</h2> <table> <tr><th>Action</th><th>Priority</th><th>Status</th></tr> <tr><td>Add compatibility with virtuoso, see api at:</td><td>High</td><td>Not done</td></tr> <tr><td>Add automatic tests for file url and direct input</td><td>Medium</td><td>Not done</td></tr> <tr><td>Improve quality of the tests: parametrize comments, categorization by node (dataset, agent, etc.)</td><td>Medium</td><td>Not done</td></tr> <tr><td>Add <a href="">toggle columns</a> in the results (in case more data are returned->better queries)</td><td>Medium</td><td>Not done</td></tr> <tr><td>Add possible html compressor such as:</td><td>Low</td><td>Not done</td></tr> <tr><td>Homogenize css between build.css, dcat-ap_validator.css and dcat-ap_validator-results.css</td><td>Low</td><td>Not done</td></tr> <tr><td>Improve W3C and WCAG 2.0 validation for the results</td><td>Low</td><td>Not done</td></tr> </table> <h2>Licence</h2> This software is released with EUPL licence: