

Nordcloud Serverless Boilerplate

The Nordcloud serverless-boilerplate is a project template for new serverless services. Contents of the template:

Creating new project

With Serverless Framework v1.5 and later, a new project based on the project template is initialized with the command

> sls install -u https://github.com/nordcloud/serverless-boilerplate -n myservicename
> cd myservicename
> npm install

Testing vulnerabilities

Test vulnerabilities with

> npm audit

(NSP is no longer available)

Comparing setup with boilerplate

You can compare your project setup (dependencies, devdependencies, scripts) with the boilerplate using the command

> npm run compare-boilerplate

The script reports only for items that are in the boilerplate and differ from your current project.


Please see project GitHub issue tracker.

Release History


Copyright (c) 2016 Nordcloud, licensed for users and contributors under MIT license. https://github.com/nordcloud/serverless-boilerplate/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT