


report page page

<p align="center"><img src="./fig/github_main_gif.gif"></p>

This repository provides ChangeSim dataset, codes and files for evaluation. Please refer to our paper (accepted to IROS2021) for more information about the dataset.

Recent updates

Dataset download

The data is divided into train/test set and reference/query.

Reference_Sequence_Train(52.8 GB)

Reference_Sequence_Test(30.2 GB)

Query_Sequence_Train(42.8 GB)

Query_Sequence_Test(30.3 GB)

Data directory structure

--- Warehouse_0                              # Environment folder
|       |
|       ---- Seq_0                           # Sequece
|       |      |
|       |      +--- rgb                      # 0.png - xxxx.png      
|       |      +--- depth                    # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      +--- semantic_segmentation    # 0.png - xxxx.png     
|       |      ---- raw                   
|       |      |     |
|       |      |     +--- rgb                # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      |     +--- depth              # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      |     ---- poses.g2o 
|       |      |     ---- rtabmap.yaml
|       |
|       +--- Seq_1
+-- Warehouse_1
+-- Warehouse_N

--- Warehouse_0                              # Environment folder
|       |
|       ---- Seq_0                           # Sequece
|       |      |
|       |      +--- rgb                      # 0.png - xxxx.png      
|       |      +--- depth                    # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      +--- semantic_segmentation    # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      +--- change_segmentation      # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      +--- pose                     # 0.txt - xxxx.txt
|       |      ---- t0                   
|       |      |     |
|       |      |     +--- rgb                # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      |     +--- depth              # 0.png - xxxx.png
|       |      |     +--- idx                # 0.txt - xxxx.txt
|       |      ---- cloud_map.ply
|       |      ---- trajectory.txt
|       |
|       +--- Seq_0_dust
|       .
|       .
|       +--- Seq_1_dark
+-- Warehouse_1
+-- Warehouse_N


If you find this project helpful, please consider citing this project in your publications. The following is the BibTeX of our work.

author = {Park, Jin-Man and Jang, Jae-hyuk, and Yoo, Sahng-Min and Lee, Sun-Kyung and Kim, Ue-hwan and Kim, Jong-Hwan},
title = {ChangeSim: Towards End-to-End Online Scene Change Detection in Industrial Indoor Environments},
booktitle={2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = {2021},
organization = {IEEE},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05368},


This work was supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.2020-0-00440, Development of artificial intelligence technology that continuously improves itself as the situation changes in the real world).