

DeepSpeed Version 14.0 with CUDA 12.1 - Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the 14.0 release of DeepSpeed 14.0 extract it to a folder.

  2. Install Visual C++ build tools, such as VS2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools.

  3. Download and install the Nvidia Cuda Toolkit 12.1

  4. Edit your Windows environment variables to ensure that CUDA_HOME and CUDA_PATH are set to your Nvidia Cuda Toolkit path. (The folder above the bin folder that nvcc.exe is installed in). Examples are:<br> set CUDA_HOME=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.1<br> set CUDA_PATH=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.1<br>

  5. OPTIONAL If you do not have an python environment already created, you can install Miniconda, then at a command prompt, create and activate your environment with:<br> conda create -n pythonenv python=3.11<br> activate pythonenv<br>

  6. Launch the Command Prompt cmd with Administrator privilege as it requires admin to allow creating symlink folders.

  7. Install PyTorch, 2.2.1 with CUDA 12.1 into your Python 3.11 environment e.g:<br> activate pythonenv (activate your python environment)<br> conda install pytorch==2.2.1 torchvision==0.17.1 torchaudio==2.2.1 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia

  8. In your python environment check that your CUDA_HOME and CUDA_PATH are still pointing to the correct location.<br> set (to list and check the windows environment variables. Refer to step 4 if not)

  9. Navigate to your deepspeed folder in the Command Prompt:<br> cd c:\deepspeed (wherever you extracted it to)

  10. Modify the following files:<br>

deepspeed-0.14.0/build_win.bat - at the top of the file, add:<br>



deepspeed-0.14.0/csrc/quantization/pt_binding.cpp - lines 244-250 - change to:

    std::vector<int64_t> sz_vector(input_vals.sizes().begin(), input_vals.sizes().end());
    sz_vector[sz_vector.size() - 1] = sz_vector.back() / devices_per_node;  // num of GPU per nodes
    at::IntArrayRef sz(sz_vector);
    auto output = torch::empty(sz, output_options);

    const int elems_per_in_tensor = at::numel(input_vals) / devices_per_node;
    const int elems_per_in_group = elems_per_in_tensor / (in_groups / devices_per_node);
    const int elems_per_out_group = elems_per_in_tensor / out_groups;

deepspeed-0.14.0/csrc/transformer/inference/csrc/pt_binding.cpp lines 541-542 - change to:

									 {static_cast<unsigned>(hidden_dim * InferenceContext::Instance().GetMaxTokenLength()),
									  static_cast<unsigned>(k * InferenceContext::Instance().GetMaxTokenLength()),

lines 550-551 - change to:

						 {static_cast<unsigned>(hidden_dim * InferenceContext::Instance().GetMaxTokenLength()),
						  static_cast<unsigned>(k * InferenceContext::Instance().GetMaxTokenLength()),

line 1581 - change to:

		at::from_blob(intermediate_ptr, {input.size(0), input.size(1), static_cast<int64_t>(mlp_1_out_neurons)}, options);

deepspeed-0.14.0/deepspeed/env_report.py line 10 - add:

import psutil

line 83 - 100 - change to:

def get_shm_size():
        temp_dir = os.getenv('TEMP') or os.getenv('TMP') or os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'tmp')
        shm_stats = psutil.disk_usage(temp_dir)
        shm_size = shm_stats.total
        shm_hbytes = human_readable_size(shm_size)
        warn = []
        if shm_size < 512 * 1024**2:
                f" {YELLOW} [WARNING] Shared memory size might be too small, consider increasing it. {END}"
            # Add additional warnings specific to your use case if needed.
        return shm_hbytes, warn
    except Exception as e:
        return "UNKNOWN", [f"Error getting shared memory size: {e}"]
  1. While still in your command line with python environment enabled run:<br> build_win.bat

  2. Once you are done building there should be a .whl file is present in:<br> deepspeed-0.14.0/dist/

  3. Copy that file to the root of your Oobabooga folder and run:<br> cmd_windows.bat<br> pip install deepspeed-YOURFILENAME.whl (Or whichever name your .whl has you just created)

  4. To check if its working correctly you can type the following:<br> set CUDA_HOME=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.1<br> set CUDA_PATH=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.1<br> (This is only needed to make the ds_report work and check if its correctly installed, and shouldnt be needed for TTS generation.)<br> bash<br> ds_report