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This is a Starter project for AdventOfCode, written in Dart. Feel free to use it for your own adventures with the christmas-themed puzzles!

How to use

Feel free to fork this repository to use it as a starting point for your own solutions.

Boilerplate Generation

In the root of your directory, run

dart run day_generator.dart <day>

This will request your session token if it has not been stored previously. More info can be found in the Session token section.

This will create an input and test file and a solution file with all the needed boilerplate to have a quick start. It also adds the solution to the corresponding index file, so the solution get imported into main automatically.

Session token

When running the day_generator.dart script for the first time, you will be asked to provide your session token. This is needed to automatically download your input files. If you need to do this manually for any reason, you can find the instructions below.

Please visit the AdventOfCode site and log in.

After that, get your session token from the cookie:

By default, the session token is stored in .dart_tool/aoc/.session_token. You can either store it there manually, or run the day_generator.dart script and paste it when prompted.


To add a new solution, all you have to do is add DayXX() to the day List.

Running main automatically prints either all your solutions, or just the last one, depending on your settings.

It also measures the time it takes to run each solution, and prints it to the console.

You can run the main file by running

dart run main.dart

in the root of your directory.

By default the main file will only show the last solution. If you want to see all of them, you can use the -a or --all flag. You can list all the command line arguments by using the -h or --help flag.


A test file is automatically generated for each day. It contains tests for both parts of the example and the real input.

All you have to do is fill out the variables given at the top of the test file.

Class Documentation

Below you can find a short documentation of the classes and methods provided by this starter project.

Naming conventions

When using the Boilerplate generator, everything is done for you automatically. However, if you create a solution or input file by yourself: make sure it has a 2-digit number. Concretely, pad days 1-9 as day01.dart for solutions and aoc01.txt for input.

Generic Day

The abstract class all individual days subclass from. When constructed with the correct day, it automatically ready the corresponding input file and provides it with the InputUtil. To access it, just call input inside your class.

Input Util

Automatically reads the input files and provides different methods to parse it.

Parse Util

A place to store useful parsing operations, like creating a List<int> from a List<String>. There will be a lot of opportunities during AoC for you to extend this.

Field Class

A helper class for 2D data, as often present in AoC. Any data can be represented. For Integers specifically, there are convenience methods in IntegerField. For all available methods, have a look at the abundantly-documented code.

Helper Packages

Tuple enables operations on pairs/triplets etc of any type. Absolutely needed for most of the puzzles. Collection provides many methods for ...collections... Most importantly, a groupBy and a collection equality interface. Quiver is an awesome toolbox of helper methods for Dart. We mostly use /iterables (similar to Pythons itertools).


Contributing is greatly appreciated, just fork this project and create a Pull Request, or open an Issue!

Happy Holidays

<img src="https://blogs.sap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/EkaoQQTXEAMA4BN.jpg">