


eslint-config-problems is an ESLint config that doesn't regulate your code style. It only catches actual problems with your code.

It's designed for use with Prettier, the opinionated code formatter; but you could also use this as a solid base config to add stylistic rules on top of.


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Rules were chosen based on the following criteria:

eslint-config-problems also sets ecmaVersion: 2020 in the parserOptions, so that ESLint can parse modern code (including BigInt) with no additional setup.

I disagree with rule X; you missed rule Y

If you disagree; feel free to open an issue. I'm open to changing rules if you have a good reason.

If I missed a rule that prevents an actual problem or is otherwise in keeping with the general guidelines above, please open an issue as well; I just might add it.

Installation & Usage

eslint-config-problems doesn't set any environments by default, other than the es6 environment. So you'll have to manually set your environment in your ESLint config. Here's a list of environments.

If you're using ES Modules, you will need to set sourceType: module in the parserOptions, like this:

  sourceType: module

Just ESLint

npm install -D eslint eslint-config-problems

In your eslintrc.yaml:

extends: 'problems'
  # Set your environments here; for example:
  node: true

With eslint-plugin-prettier

npm install -D eslint prettier eslint-config-problems eslint-plugin-prettier

In your eslintrc.yaml:

extends: 'problems'
  # Set your environments here; for example:
  node: true
  - prettier
  - prettier/prettier: error
