

Dhall - Kong

Kong API gateway starts to support a declarative configuration file in yaml format since v1.1.x. The declarative configuration file makes the deployment on Kong more controllable under CI/CD pipeline. This library aims at providing an interface for developers to define a configurable configuration file for Kong.

Development Schedule

How to use

The library is developed based on the structure of dhall-kubernetes.

Certificate and SNI

Sni and certificate in declarative configuraiton is coupled. You need to declare the list of snis before defining the certificate as the following.

let config = ./default/configuration.dhall
let mkSni = ./default/sni.dhall
let mkCert = ./default/certificate.dhall

let mySni: ./types/sni.dhall = mkSni "my.example.com"
let myCert: ./types/certificate.dhall = mkCert "myCert" "myKey" // { sni = Some [mySni] }

in config // { certificates = Some [myCert] }

For more example, please check the example.dhall file.


The project is now under development. Welcome to open an issue and submit pull request on improving the library.