

<img src="assets/RxState_Logo.png" alt="RxState" width="50" height="40"> RxState: Redux + RxSwift

RxState a predictable state container for Swift apps. It's a tiny library built on top of RxSwift and inspired by Redux that facilitates building Unidirectional Data Flow architecture.

Why Unidirectional Data Flow Architecture?

  1. Helps you manage state in a consistent and unified way that guaranty it’s always predictable (After all, state is the source of all evil and you wanna keep that evil in check).
  2. Limits the way app state can be mutated, which makes your app easier to understand.
  3. Makes your code easy to test.
  4. Enables faster debugging.
  5. It’s is entirely platform independent - you can easily use the same business logic and share it between apps for multiple platforms (iOS, tvOS, etc.).

Architecture Components

How it works?

<img src="assets/RxState-Pattern.jpeg" width="100%" height="100%">
  1. The View/View Controller sends events (The View Model's inputs) to the View Model.

  2. The View Model creates an Action from the received inputs and dispatch them to the Store.

  1. The Store sends the App State and the received Action to the Reducer.

  2. The Reducer receives the current App State and the dispatched Action, computes and returns new App State.

  3. The Store sends the new App State to the subscribers.

  1. The View Model receives the new App State, transform it presentable data, and send it to the View/View Controller.
  1. The View/View Controller render the UI to show the presentable data to the user.

How does RxState helps you build the Architecture?

RxState defines the main component for you:

  1. Store: Contains the App State in the form of Driver<[SubstateType]>.

  2. SubstateType: A protocol that tags structs representing a substate. Ex.

struct TasksState: SubstateType {   
    var tasks: [Task]
    var addingTask: Bool

You can add a Substates to the App State by dispatching StoreAction.add(states: [SubstateType]).

let tasksState = TasksState()
let action = StoreAction.add(states: [tasksState])
store.dispatch(action: action)
  1. ActionType: A protocol that tags an Action. The Store has the following Actions:
public enum StoreAction: ActionType {
    /// Adds substates to the application state.
    case add(states: [SubstateType])

    /// Removes all substates in the application state.
    case reset
  1. MainReducer: A reducer used by the Store's dispatch function to call the respective reducer based on the Action type.
let mainReducer: MainReducer = { (state: [SubstateType], action: ActionType) -> [SubstateType] in
    // Copy the `App State`
    var state: [SubstateType] = state
    // Cast to a specific `Action`.
    switch action {
    case let action as TasksAction:

        // Extract the `Substate`.
        guard var (tasksStateIndex, tasksState) = state
            .first(where: { (_, substate: SubstateType) -> Bool in
                return substate is Store.TasksState}
            ) as? (Int, Store.TasksState)
            else {
                fatalError("You need to register `TasksState` first")

        // Reduce the `Substate` to get a new `Substate`.
        tasksState = Store.reduce(state: tasksState, action: action)
        // Replace the `Substate` in the `App State` with the new `Substate`.
        state[tasksStateIndex] = tasksState as SubstateType
        fatalError("Unknown action type")
    // Return the new `App State`
    return state
  1. MiddlewareType: A protocol defining an object that can observe the App State and the last dispatched Action and does something with it like logging:
protocol LoggingMiddlewareType: Middleware, HasDisposeBag {}

final class LoggingMiddleware: LoggingMiddlewareType {
    var disposeBag = DisposeBag()

    func observe(currentStateLastAction: Driver<CurrentStateLastAction>) {
                onNext: { (currentState: [SubstateType], lastAction: ActionType?) in
                }, onCompleted: nil, onDisposed: nil)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)




pod 'RxState'


I have tried to make the demo app as comprehensive as possible. It currently runs on iOS and macOS. Notice how, because of the architecture, only the View/ View Controller layer needed to change in order to port the app from iOS to macOS.


We would love to see you involved and feedback and contribution are greatly appreciated :) Checkout the Contributing Guide.

Influences and credits


Nazih Shoura, shoura.nazeeh@gmail.com


This library belongs to RxSwiftCommunity.

RxState is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.