

Lua backend for Idris 2

<BR>Tested against Idris 2, version 0.5.1-96c44abb6

Requirements & Installation

All libraries can be installed via luarocks:

luarocks install luautf8 --lua-version=V --local
luarocks install bigint --lua-version=V --local LD='clang -lstdc++'
luarocks install luafilesystem --lua-version=V --local
luarocks install vstruct --lua-version=V --local
luarocks install inspect --lua-version=V --local

Lua 5.1 only:

luarocks install bit32 --lua-version=5.1 --local

where V is your lua version (5.1, 5.2, 5.3).

Before you proceed, fill in the LuaVersion and LuaExe environment variables with a desired Lua version and a name of the executable file for that version.

Build, test and install:

make all && make install

Idris 2 REPL preconfigured with lua codegen will be available under the name idris2-lua located in the same folder as your idris2 executable.


Structure and How-Tos

Good to know