



Fast JDK-compatible Serialization

Json Serialization

OffHeap + Persistent Maps

MinBin cross platform binary format

Kson: a JSon extension


note: maven.org might lag 1 day behind after releasing.

3.0.0 version (requires java 14, "--add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign" option on compiler and runtime)


2.0 version (java 8)


jdk1.6 compatible build of fst 2.x


1.x version (different package name, 1.6 compatible ..). Fixes are not backported anymore, unsupported.


Who uses FST ?

I am not actively tracking use, maven.org reports more than 14000 downloads from 6000 distinct IP accesses triggered by maven builds world wide per month.

Notable also:

alt tag

how to build

<b>Note</b> that instrumentation done for fst-structs works only if debug info is turned on during compile. Reason is that generating methods at runtime with javassist fails (probably a javassist bug ..). <b>This does not affect the serialization implementation. </b>

<b>JDK 1.6 Build</b> 1.x build since v1.62 are still jdk 6 compatible