

Update: In case you are looking for Wav2Lip, it is in https://github.com/Rudrabha/Wav2Lip


Generate high quality speech from only lip movements. This code is part of the paper: Learning Individual Speaking Styles for Accurate Lip to Speech Synthesis published at CVPR'20.

[Paper] | [Project Page] | [Demo Video]

<p align="center"> <img src="images/banner.gif"/></p>

Recent Updates


You might also be interested in:

:tada: Lip-sync talking face videos to any speech using Wav2Lip: https://github.com/Rudrabha/Wav2Lip


Getting the weights

SpeakerLink to the model
Chemistry LecturesLink
Chess CommentaryLink
Hardware-security LecturesLink
Deep-learning LecturesLink
Ethical Hacking LecturesLink

Downloading the dataset

<!--If you would like to train/test on our Lip2Wav dataset, download it from our [project page](http://cvit.iiit.ac.in/research/projects/cvit-projects/speaking-by-observing-lip-movements). The download will be a small zip file with several `.csv` files containing the YouTube IDs of the videos to create the dataset for each speaker. Assuming the zip file is extracted as follows:-->

The dataset is present in the Dataset folder in this repository. The folder Dataset/chem contains .txt files for the train, val and test sets.

data_root (Lip2Wav in the below examples)
├── Dataset
|	├── chess, chem, dl (list of speaker-specific folders)
|	|    ├── train.txt, test.txt, val.txt (each will contain YouTube IDs to download)

To download the complete video data for a specific speaker, just run:

sh download_speaker.sh Dataset/chem

This should create

├── chem (or any other speaker-specific folder)
|	├── train.txt, test.txt, val.txt
|	├── videos/		(will contain the full videos)
|	├── intervals/	(cropped 30s segments of all the videos) 

Preprocessing the dataset

python preprocess.py --speaker_root Dataset/chem --speaker chem

Additional options like batch_size and number of GPUs to use can also be set.

Generating for the given test split

python complete_test_generate.py -d Dataset/chem -r Dataset/chem/test_results \
--preset synthesizer/presets/chem.json --checkpoint <path_to_checkpoint>

#A sample checkpoint_path  can be found in hparams.py alongside the "eval_ckpt" param.

This will create:

├── gts/  (cropped ground-truth audio files)
|	├── *.wav
├── wavs/ (generated audio files)
|	├── *.wav

Calculating the metrics

You can calculate the PESQ, ESTOI and STOI scores for the above generated results using score.py:

python score.py -r Dataset/chem/test_results


python train.py <name_of_run> --data_root Dataset/chem/ --preset synthesizer/presets/chem.json

Additional arguments can also be set or passed through --hparams, for details: python train.py -h

License and Citation

The software is licensed under the MIT License. Please cite the following paper if you have use this code:

author = {Prajwal, K R and Mukhopadhyay, Rudrabha and Namboodiri, Vinay P. and Jawahar, C.V.},
title = {Learning Individual Speaking Styles for Accurate Lip to Speech Synthesis},
booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2020}


The repository is modified from this TTS repository. We thank the author for this wonderful code. The code for Face Detection has been taken from the face_alignment repository. We thank the authors for releasing their code and models.