

React Organism

Travis npm package Coveralls

Dead simple React/Preact state management to bring pure components alive

Table of contents


npm i react-organism --save




// organisms/Counter.js
import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'
import Counter from './components/Counter'

export default makeOrganism(Counter, {
  initial: () => ({ count: 0 }),
  increment: () => ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }),
  decrement: () => ({ count }) => ({ count: count - 1 })
// components/Counter.js
import React, { Component } from 'react'

export default function Counter({
  handlers: {
}) {
  return (
      <button onClick={ decrement } children='−' />
      <span>{ count }</span>
      <button onClick={ increment } children='+' />

Using props

The handlers can easily use props, which are always passed as the first argument

// organisms/Counter.js
import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'
import Counter from './components/Counter'

export default makeOrganism(Counter, {
  initial: ({ initialCount = 0 }) => ({ count: initialCount }),
  increment: ({ stride = 1 }) => ({ count }) => ({ count: count + stride }),
  decrement: ({ stride = 1 }) => ({ count }) => ({ count: count - stride })

// Render passing prop: <CounterOrganism stride={ 20 } />


Asynchronous code to load from an API is easy:

// components/Items.js
import React, { Component } from 'react'

export default function Items({
  handlers: {
}) {
  return (
        !!items ? (
          `${items.length} ${collectionName}`
        ) : (
        <button onClick={ load } children='Reload' />
// organisms/Items.js
import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'
import Items from '../components/Items'

const baseURL = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com'
const fetchAPI = (path) => fetch(baseURL + path).then(r => r.json())

export default makeOrganism(Items, {
  initial: () => ({ items: null }),

  load: async ({ path }, prevProps) => {
    if (!prevProps || path !== prevProps.path) {
      return { items: await fetchAPI(path) }
  <ItemsOrganism path='/photos' collectionName='photos' />
  <ItemsOrganism path='/todos' collectionName='todo items' />

Handling events

Handlers can easily accept arguments such as events.

// components/Calculator.js
import React, { Component } from 'react'

export default function Calculator({
  handlers: {
}) {
  return (
      <input value={ value } onChange={ changeValue } />
      <button onClick={ double } children='Double' />
      <button onClick={ add3 } children='Add 3' />
      <button onClick={ initial } children='reset' />
// organisms/Calculator.js
import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'
import Calculator from '../components/Calculator'

export default makeOrganism(Calculator, {
  initial: ({ initialValue = 0 }) => ({ value: initialValue }),
  // Destructure event to get target
  changeValue: (props, { target }) => ({ value }) => ({ value: parseInt(target.value, 10) }),
  double: () => ({ value }) => ({ value: value * 2 }),
  add3: () => ({ value }) => ({ value: value + 3 })


import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'
import Counter from '../components/Counter'

export default makeOrganism(Counter, {
  initial: ({ initialCount = 0 }) => ({ count: initialCount }),
  increment: function * ({ stride = 20 }) {
    while (stride > 0) {
      yield ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 })
      stride -= 1
  decrement: function * ({ stride = 20 }) {
    while (stride > 0) {
      yield ({ count }) => ({ count: count - 1 })
      stride -= 1

Automatically extract from data- attributes and <forms>

Example coming soon

Serialization: Local storage

// organisms/Counter.js
import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'
import Counter from '../components/Counter'

const localStorageKey = 'counter'

export default makeOrganism(Counter, {
  initial: ({ initialCount = 0 }) => ({ count: initialCount }),
  load: async (props, prevProps) => {
    if (!prevProps) {
      // Try commenting out:
      /* throw (new Error('Oops!')) */

      // Load previously stored state, if present
      return await JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey))
  increment: ({ stride = 1 }) => ({ count }) => ({ count: count + stride }),
  decrement: ({ stride = 1 }) => ({ count }) => ({ count: count - stride })
}, {
  onChange(state) {
    // When state changes, save in local storage
    localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(state))

Separate and reuse state handlers

React Organism supports separating state handlers and the component into their own files. This means state handlers could be reused by multiple smart components.

Here’s an example of separating state:

// state/counter.js
export const initial = () => ({
  count: 0

export const increment = () => ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 })
export const decrement = () => ({ count }) => ({ count: count - 1 })
// organisms/Counter.js
import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'
import Counter from './components/Counter'
import * as counterState from './state/counter'

export default makeOrganism(Counter, counterState)
// App.js
import React from 'react'
import CounterOrganism from './organisms/Counter'

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <CounterOrganism />

Multicelled Organisms

Example coming soon.


makeOrganism(PureComponent, StateFunctions, options?)

import makeOrganism from 'react-organism'

Creates a smart component, rendering using React component PureComponent, and managing state using StateFunctions.


A React component, usually a pure functional component. This component is passed as its props:


Object with functional handlers. See state functions below.

Either pass a object directly with each function, or create a separate file with each handler function exported out, and then bring in using import * as StateFunctions from '...'.


adjustArgs?(args: array) => newArgs: array

Used to enhance handlers. See built-in handlers below.


Called after the state has changed, making it ideal for saving the state somewhere (e.g. Local Storage).

State functions

Your state is handled by a collection of functions. Each function is pure: they can only rely on the props and state passed to them. Functions return the new state, either immediately or asynchronously.

Each handler is passed the current props first, followed by the called arguments:

Handlers must return one of the following:

There are some handlers for special tasks, specifically:

initial(props) => object (required)

Return initial state to start off with, a la React’s initialState. Passed props.

load(props: object, prevProps: object?, { handlers: object }) => object | Promise<object> | void (optional)

Passed the current props and the previous props. Return new state, a Promise returning new state, or nothing. You may also use a generator function (function * load(props, prevProps)) and yield state changes.

If this is the first time loaded or if being reloaded, then prevProps is null.

Usual pattern is to check for either prevProps being null or if the prop of interest has changed from its previous value:

export const load = async ({ id }, prevProps) => {
  if (!prevProps || id !== prevProps.id) {
    return { item: await loadItem(id) }

Your load handler will be called in React’s lifecycle: componentDidMount and componentWillReceiveProps.

Argument enhancers

Handler arguments can be adjusted, to cover many common cases. Pass them to the adjustArgs option. The following enhancers are built-in:

extractFromDOM(args: array) => newArgs: array

import extractFromDOM from 'react-organism/lib/adjustArgs/extractFromDOM'

Extract values from DOM, specifically:

Why instead of Redux?