

World's Best AI Aimbot Banner

Pull Requests Welcome

✨Make sure you have the Launcher before starting✨

Over 10,000 users use the Launcher

🔴 LIVE: Aimbot Internation 2024 - Win $1,000s

Prepare your custom code and submit it for the aimbot internation which ends later this year. Work alone or solo. Check out the following videos to learn more.

All custom code must be submitting thru the launcher. https://youtube.com/live/mtV6w2qhaNs?feature=share

Download the RootKit Launcher. It is FREE. No coding required.


Using the starter kit is the best way to make your own bot. This is the way you have to submit code to us for competitions to start with. here are more reasons.


What's in the box?

We included 2 different examples for you.


Place main.py anywhere. To run it, the syntax is python main.py <settingsProfile> <yoloVersion> <modelFileName> <customCode>

Treat it as if you were gonna import your code. Here is an example of what it would look like. python main.py Default 5 v5_base_s.pt example_bare.main


Move your custom code folder into %APPDATA%\ai-aimbot-launcher\customCode.

If you want to post it on the store, @Techincal Champions in the discord.

Starter Function

What the Launcher Sends you

version: int # 0-2 (pytorch, onnx, engine)
settingsProfile: str # file name of settings located in %APPDATA%\ai-aimbot-launcher\aimbotSettings
paidTier: int # 0-3 (free, supporter t1, t2, t3)
yoloVersion: int # 5 or 8 (yolov5 or yolov8)
modelfileName: str # file name of model located in %APPDATA%\ai-aimbot-launcher\models

Example 1

def main(**argv):
    print("My custom bot")

Example 2

def main(
    print("My custom bot")

Example 3

from .schema.settings import Settings # Include the schema folder
import json
import os

def main(
    version: int = 0,
    settingsProfile: str = "",
    paidTier: int = 0,
    yoloVersion: int = 0,
    modelFileName: str = ""

    appdataLocation = os.getenv("APPDATA")
    settingsPath = os.path.join(appdataLocation, "ai-aimbot-launcher", "aimbotSettings", f"{settingsProfile.lower()}.json")

    # loading settings
    with open(settingsPath, "r") as f:
        settings = json.load(f)
        settings = Settings(**settings)

    # getting model path
    modelPath = os.path.join(appdataLocation, "ai-aimbot-launcher", "models", modelFileName)