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A Preact port of the vanilla-tilt.js version of Tilt.js based on React port.

A tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax hover tilt effect for Preact Add server-side pre-rendering check for window.

Check out a simple demo here!


This package is hosted on npm

npm install preact-tilt --save

How to Use

This component is imported and used like any standard Preact component

import { Component } from 'preact/compat'
import Tilt from "preact-tilt";

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div class="App">

export default App;


Tilt has a variety of options which can be passed in either as a settings object prop or as individual properties using data-tilt-{propertyname}

Here is a list of available options with their defaults:

reverse:                false   // Reverse the tilt direction
max:                    35      // Max tilt rotation (degrees)
perspective:            1000    // Transform perspective, the lower the more extreme the tilt gets.
scale:                  1       // 2 = 200%, 1.5 = 150%, etc..
speed:                  300     // Speed of the enter/exit transition
transition:             true    // Set a transition on enter/exit.
axis:                   null    // What axis should be disabled, can be X or Y.
reset:                  true    // If the tilt effect has to be reset on exit
easing:                 "cubic-bezier(.03,.98,.52,.99)",    // Easing on enter/exit
glare:                  false   // if it should have a "glare" effect
"max-glare":            1       // the maximum "glare" opacity (1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%)
"glare-prerender":      false   // false = VanillaTilt creates the glare elements for you, otherwise
                                // you need to add .js-tilt-glare>.js-tilt-glare-inner by yourself
gyroscope:              true    // Boolean to enable/disable device orientation detection
gyroscopeMinAngleX:     -45     // This is the bottom limit of the device angle on X axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the left border of the element
gyroscopeMaxAngleX:     45      // This is the top limit of the device angle on X axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the right border of the element
gyroscopeMinAngleY:     -45     // This is the bottom limit of the device angle on Y axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the top border of the element
gyroscopeMaxAngleY:     45      // This is the top limit of the device angle on Y axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the bottom border of the element


  settings = {{
    scale: 1.2,
    perspective: 900,
    reset: false

Example live:

I've created and updated this component to use it in my website(it's open-source as well), so you can see both how it looks and works with preact here: website and here: github code, config

Creating a Parallax Effect

In order to add a parallax effect to the element and it's child, you must add some css properties to them:

<Tilt style={{transformStyle: "preserve-3d"}}>
  <div style={{transform: "translateZ(30px)"}}></div>

Tilt Change Event

You can add an event listener to the component's tiltChange event in order to access it's x and y tilts, percentages, and overall angle

componentDidMount() {
  const tilt = document.querySelector('#tilt');
  tilt.addEventListener("tiltChange", e => {
    // {
    //   tiltX: "-4.90",
    //   tiltY: "3.03",
    //   percentageX: 64,
    //   percentageY: 58.666,
    //   angle: 121.751281
    // }



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