

3BC Language

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Low-level language, tiny virtual machine, intermediate representation, embeddable, easy for beginners. (Friendly Punched cards)


Directory structure

If you are interested in exploring or contributing to the language, follow the monolithic organization.

docs/           Website made with jekyll (Ruby)
examples/       Syntax sampling codes (3bc, Arduino with C++)
programs/       Embbed programs sampling codes (C)
scripts/        Development and installation tools (Bash, Ruby)
src/            Library source code (C)
tests/          Language work check (Ruby)

How to build

Download interpreter source code and manually compile from scratch.

git clone https://github.com/RodrigoDornelles/3bc-lang
make build

How to install

Directly download interpreter as executable command for mac/linux/bsd.

sudo bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RodrigoDornelles/3bc-lang/master/scripts/install_vm.sh || curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RodrigoDornelles/3bc-lang/master/scripts/install_vm.sh)"

3bc lang logo This project is licensed under GNU GPL 3.0 or higher, please read the LICENSE.txt file.