

<h1 align="center">CipherChat 🔐</h1> A novel framework CipherChat to systematically examine the generalizability of safety alignment to non-natural languages – ciphers. <br> <br>

If you have any questions, please feel free to email the first author: Youliang Yuan.

👉 Paper

For more details, please refer to our paper ICLR 2024.

<div align="center"> <img src="paper/cover.png" alt="Logo" width="500"> </div> <h3 align="center">LOVE💗 and Peace🌊</h3> <h3 align="center">RESEARCH USE ONLY✅ NO MISUSE❌</h3>

Our results

We provide our results (query-response pairs) in experimental_results, these files can be loaded by torch.load(). Then, you can get a list: the first element is the config and the rest of the elements are the query-response pairs.

result_data = torch.load(filename)
config = result_data[0]
pairs = result_data[1:]

🛠️ Usage

✨An example run:

python3 main.py \
 --model_name gpt-4-0613 \
--data_path data/data_en_zh.dict \
--encode_method caesar \
--instruction_type Crimes_And_Illegal_Activities \
--demonstration_toxicity toxic \
--language en

🔧 Argument Specification

  1. --model_name: The name of the model to evaluate.

  2. --data_path: Select the data to run.

  3. --encode_method: Select the cipher to use.

  4. --instruction_type: Select the domain of data.

  5. --demonstration_toxicity: Select the toxic or safe demonstrations.

  6. --language: Select the language of the data.


<div align="center"> <img src="paper/Overview.png" alt="Logo" width="500"> </div>

Our approach presumes that since human feedback and safety alignments are presented in natural language, using a human-unreadable cipher can potentially bypass the safety alignments effectively. Intuitively, we first teach the LLM to comprehend the cipher clearly by designating the LLM as a cipher expert, and elucidating the rules of enciphering and deciphering, supplemented with several demonstrations. We then convert the input into a cipher, which is less likely to be covered by the safety alignment of LLMs, before feeding it to the LLMs. We finally employ a rule-based decrypter to convert the model output from a cipher format into the natural language form.


The query-responses pairs in our experiments are all stored in the form of a list in the "experimental_results" folder, and torch.load() can be used to load data.

<div align="center"> <img src="paper/main_result_demo.jpg" alt="Logo" width="500"> </div>

🌰Case Study

<div align="center"> <img src="paper/case.png" alt="Logo" width="500"> </div>

🫠Ablation Study

<div align="center"> <img src="paper/ablation.png" alt="Logo" width="500"> </div>

🦙Other Models

<div align="center"> <img src="paper/other_models.png" alt="Logo" width="500"> </div>

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title={{GPT}-4 Is Too Smart To Be Safe: Stealthy Chat with {LLM}s via Cipher},
author={Youliang Yuan and Wenxiang Jiao and Wenxuan Wang and Jen-tse Huang and Pinjia He and Shuming Shi and Zhaopeng Tu},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},