This repository contains a collection of tools for interacting with robots and cameras, developed to support the Intelligent Robot Manipulation class (MIT 6.881).
Note that the master branch is currently on a version of Drake from December 2018. For newer code that doesn't have tests that run against CI, see the km_thesis_work branch.
In the root directory of this repository, run the following command in a terminal to build a docker image that includes Drake and denpendencies for PDDLStream:
$ docker build -t mit6881 -f ubuntu16_04_mit6881.dockerfile --build-arg DRAKE_VERSION=20181212 .
In the root directory of this repository, run
$ python ./ --os [your operating system]
where [your operating system]
should be replaced with mac
or linux
. This command will start a docker container (virtual machine) with the docker image you have created. The 6-881-examples
folder on the host machine (your laptop/desktop) is mounted to /6-881-examples
in the docker container.
In the docker container, run
$ terminator
to launch terminator
, a popular terminal multiplexer on linux. The terminator window is launched with a dark green background to distinct itself from terminals running on the host machine.