


PeleeNet: An efficient DenseNet architecture for mobile devices

An implementation of PeleeNet in PyTorch. PeleeNet is an efficient Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture built with conventional convolution. Compared to other efficient architectures,PeleeNet has a great speed advantage and esay to be applied to the computer vision tasks other than image classification.

For more information, check the paper: Pelee: A Real-Time Object Detection System on Mobile Devices (NeurIPS 2018)


If you find this work useful in your research, please consider citing:

title = {Pelee: A Real-Time Object Detection System on Mobile Devices},
author = {Wang, Robert J. and Li, Xiang and Ling, Charles X.},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31},
editor = {S. Bengio and H. Wallach and H. Larochelle and K. Grauman and N. Cesa-Bianchi and R. Garnett},
pages = {1963--1972},
year = {2018},
publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
url = {http://papers.nips.cc/paper/7466-pelee-a-real-time-object-detection-system-on-mobile-devices.pdf}

Results on ImageNet ILSVRC 2012

The table below shows the results on the ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 validation set, with single-crop testing.

ModelFLOPs# parametersTop-1 AccFPS (NVIDIA TX2)
MobileNet569 M4.2 M70.0136
ShuffleNet 2x524 M5.2 M73.7110
Condensenet (C=G=8)274M4.0M7140
MobileNet v2300 M3.5 M72.0123
ShuffleNet v2 1.5x300 M5.2 M72.6164
PeleeNet (our)508 M2.8 M72.6240
PeleeNet v2 (our)621 M4.4 M73.9245