Awesome SVG icon component for Svelte JS, built with Font Awesome icons. Based on Justineo/vue-awesome
Svelte-Awesome supports Font-Awesome v4.7.0
(icons inbuilt)
and v5
(via @fortawesome
npm packages)
A demo is available here
A list of all available embedded icons is available here
npm install --save svelte-awesome
<!-- basic -->
<Icon data="{beer}" />
<!-- codeFork is camelCase, unlike the js file, code-fork.js -->
<Icon data="{codeFork}" />
<!-- with options -->
<Icon data="{refresh}" scale="2" />
<Icon data="{comment}" flip="horizontal" />
<Icon data="{codeFork}" label="Forked Repository" />
<!-- stacked icons [WIP] -->
<Icon label="No Photos">
<Icon data="{camera}" />
<Icon name="{ban}" scale="2" class="alert" />
<!-- FontAwesome v5 and v6 Icons supported -->
<Icon data="{faThumbsUp}" />
import Icon from 'svelte-awesome';
/// *** Embedded Icons ***
// Recommended - import just the icon you need
import beer from 'svelte-awesome/icons/beer';
import refresh from 'svelte-awesome/icons/refresh';
import codeFork from 'svelte-awesome/icons/codeFork';
import camera from 'svelte-awesome/icons/camera';
import ban from 'svelte-awesome/icons/ban';
// Not recommended as it will download all of the icons in dev mode
import { ban } from 'svelte-awesome/icons';
// EDGECASE ICONS - different names due to reserved names / starting with numbers
import fa500px from 'svelte-awesome/icons/fa500px'; // '500px' icon
import faTry from 'svelte-awesome/icons/faTry'; // 'try' icon
/// *** @fortawesome/* Icons ***
// Recommended - import the individual icon a little like with the recommended embedded icons approach above
import { faThumbsUp } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons/faThumbsUp';
// Not Recommended - import the individual icon from the main file - it will download all of the icons in dev mode
import { faThumbsUp } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
Sapper Usage
For Sapper, you may need to import the Icon component explicitly as below:
import Icon from 'svelte-awesome/components/Icon.svelte';