

Date: 2017-Week-38
Status: Working

Blink the 4 LEDs and read the User Button on the STM32F4-Discovery board (STM32F407VGT6)


Getting started with the STM32F4-Discovery board using the free EmBitz IDE on Windows.
To blink the 4 LEDs and read the User Button [modified and used this article](./User Manuals/isildak_en.pdf) and used this article to get it working.
Flashed firmware hex file using ST-Link Utility.


When the button is not pressed:

When the button is pressed:

Source Files:

I left all the autoconfigured standard libraries so the project could be used as a template.

Hex file for flashing to board:

Manually added these files:

Usefull Links:

Getting Started
Board Datasheet
Sample projects
STM32F407VG Datasheet
STM32 ST-LINK Utility
Main datasheet for all STM32F4xx devices 1700+ pages
Standard Peripheral drivers and CMSIS library
Handy article giving details about the board

About EmBitz IDE:

EmBitz IDE is a free IDE that can be used to do ARM, AVR, PIC, MSP430 and other development. It is natively written in C++ and is fast. It is a full featured IDE that can import projects from amongst others, Keil/ARM Realview, ARM GCC, MSPGCC, PIC32 Microchip, PIC24,PIC30,dsPIC Microchip, PIC18 Microchip, AVR GCC etc. It has a Special tailored GDB binaries optimized for embedded debugging and a whole lot of other features. Do yourself a favour and download it and try it out. It was the quickest and most featured free STM32 Development Environment I got working in a small amount of time after I struggled for days not succeeding with Eclipse based IDEs.