

<div align="center"> <h1>richweather</h1>

A Python-based command-line application that provides real-time weather information.

<img src="Images/sample.png" alt="Sample Image" width="300">


It is as simple as writing richweather <city-name> Please note that the city name is not case sensitive and there are many ways you can enter it. For example: New York can be written as: New_York new_york NEw_yOrK "New york" NYC


richweather displays the following info (in order):

Left bar:

Right Column

richweather uses nerdfonts to display the symbols. What I use is JetBrains Mono Nerd Font so I know it works. You can try different nerd fonts to see if your works.


git clone https://github.com/Rizen54/richweather
cd richweather/
pip install .
mkdir ~/.config/richweather/
cp richweather.yaml ~/.config/richweather/


Richweather is configured with a YAML config file in


Example Config

This config sets the default city to Ottawa and displays the elements in a weird order. Please note that the first 4 elements are in the left panel and after the 4th element, the next 4 elements are displayed in the right panel.

default_city: Ottawa
  - moon_phase
  - humidity
  - weather
  - wind_speed
  - precipitation
  - temperature
  - day_max
  - day_min


You can checkout my socials at my profile repo. šŸ’¬ My Discord server if you're interested in my projs: Rizen's Server


Please support me by giving a star to this repo.

Small click for a person, giant star for another.

Where does richweather get its data from?

Since richweather uses the python-weather module it gets the data from World Weather Online API