

About Virtual Boy by Riddim GLiTCH

Virtual Boy is a Discord theme based on a failed games console by Nintendo of the same name. It sports an amoled background and red accents. <br>

NOTE: Please check my discord server for issues and notices regarding this theme!

Virtual Boy is customizable. You can easily swap the colors with these modiefiers:

Virtual Boy supports Colorways now, Customize your theme with ease!

Note: Custom Colorways work best if the values for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary are put to 0

Screenshot of the user-editable variables colorways preview colors-preview

Virtual boy is responsive. Showing you only what you need, when you need it.

hover-preview<br> compact-preview

Easily tell What messages are yours.

selfmessage-preview<br> With the new SelfMessages addon, Your messages will be shifted to the right side of the screen. Now you wont be confused when someone in the conversation has the same name as you!

Note: This addon requires the use of my Self-Messages plugin to function!



  1. Download the theme here, or from the releases tab, open your BetterDiscord themes folder, and move the theme there.<br>
  2. Download Colorways and place it in your plugins folder. You can then use Colorways to style your theme with a user friendly interface.


Paste this line into your theme links: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Riddim-GLiTCH/Virtual-Boy/deploy/virtual-boy.theme.css<br> Copy this into your QuickCSS tab and modify the values accordign to your liking.

:root {
 /* Don't like the colors? Change these HSL variables! */
 --VBaccent: 0 100% 50%;
 --VBaccent-muted: 0 100% 39.2%;
 --VBaccent-dimmest: 0 100% 17.6%;
 --text-shadow-size: 1px; /*Default: 1px*/


Install the theme here. <br> if this link breaks, simply download the replugged bundle from the releasese tab and extract it into your themes folder.

Why did you make this theme?

This is my first ever properly finished Discord theme. I made it cuz I was working on a previous theme with an ex partner of mine, but that project died off due to a breakup. I really wanted to make my own theme though, so I set out to make this.

So far, I've been having a blast working on this. I'm learning a lot of new things, and I feel pretty positive in the Discord Theming community.

Can I modify this theme for personal use?

Yes, BUT. if you want to publish it, I kindly ask of you to link back to this repository, and make sure people know it's based off this. Also make sure the credits below are clearly shown!


Yes please! Help is always appreciated! Just make a pull request, or let me know what I should add/fix in issues!
