

Ractive.js - Next-generation DOM manipulation

Got questions? Tag Stack Overflow questions with ractivejs or contact @RactiveJS on Twitter

What is Ractive.js?

It's a JavaScript library for building reactive user interfaces in a way that doesn't force you into a particular framework's way of thinking. Its features include...

...among many others. It takes a radically different approach to DOM manipulation - one that saves both you and the browser unnecessary work.

To get a feel for how it will make your life as a web developer easier, visit ractivejs.org, follow the interactive tutorials, or try the 60 second setup.

Get help

If you don't find what you're looking for in the docs, ask a question in Google Groups forum, Stack Overflow with the ractivejs tag, or send a tweet to @RactiveJS.

Developing and building

If you want to hack on Ractive, the first step is to clone the repo and install all its development dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/ractivejs/ractive   # or your fork
cd ractive
npm install

While developing the library, you can serve it with gobble:

npm start

Navigate to localhost:4567 - you'll see two folders, plus ractive.js:

After the initial build, any subsequent changes will result in fast incremental rebuilds. If you're using Chrome, you can use the LiveReload plugin.

Gobble is still in development - please report any bugs to the issue tracker - thanks!

To run a complete build (including linting, testing and minification):

npm run build

Distribution build requirements


Pull requests and issues are always welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md to learn how to contribute.

Reporting security vulnerabilities

If you think you've found a security vulnerability, please email ractive-js-security@googlegroups.com with details, and someone from the core team will respond to you.

Browser support

Tested successfully in IE8+ and all modern browsers. If your experience differs please let me know! (For legacy browser support, use the builds with legacy in the filename - these include polyfills for Array.prototype.forEach and other ES5 features used by Ractive.)


Copyright (c) 2012-14 Rich Harris and contributors. Released under an MIT license.

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