

<p align="center"> <img src="images/BareMetal OS - Light.png#gh-light-mode-only"></img> <img src="images/BareMetal OS - Dark.png#gh-dark-mode-only"></img> <img src="images/Screenshot.png"></img> </p>

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BareMetal OS is an exokernel-based operating system crafted entirely in x86-64 assembly and is designed to provide unparalleled levels of flexibility and efficiency. By exposing hardware resources directly to applications, it empowers developers to finely tune and optimize their software for specific tasks. With the exokernel's minimalist design, it minimizes the overhead imposed by traditional operating systems, enabling applications to achieve peak performance. Its x86-64 assembly implementation speaks to its commitment to squeezing every ounce of performance from the hardware, making it a compelling choice for those who demand the utmost control and efficiency from their computing environments.


BareMetal OS is under active development. Some physical hardware configurations may not work correctly.

Table of Contents


The script in this repo depends on a Debian-based Linux system like Ubuntu or Elementary. macOS is also supported to build and test the OS, as well as the Assembly applications, if you are using Homebrew.

In Linux this can be completed with the following command:

sudo apt install nasm qemu-system-x86 gcc git mtools

In macOS via Homebrew this can be completed with the following command:

brew install nasm qemu gcc git mtools


BareMetal OS consists of several different projects:

Supported Hardware

Initial configuration

git clone https://github.com/ReturnInfinity/BareMetal-OS.git
cd BareMetal-OS
./baremetal.sh setup

baremetal.sh setup automatically runs the build and install functions. Once the setup is complete you can execute baremetal.sh run to verify that everything installed correctly.


./baremetal.sh build

This command builds the boot sector, loader (Pure64), kernel, and simple command line interface (Monitor) to the disk image. If you want to attach your own binary to the end of the kernel you can use ./baremetal.sh build mybinary.bin


Installing the system

./baremetal.sh install

This command installs the software to the disk image.

Installing the demos

./baremetal.sh demos

This command installs the demo programs to the disk image.

Running on a virtual system


./baremetal.sh run


./baremetal.sh run-uefi

QEMU - Second Instance

./baremetal.sh run-2

Running a cloned second instance is useful for testing network connectivity between QEMU systems.


./baremetal.sh vmdk


./baremetal.sh vdi



bochs -f bochs.cfg


Running on a physical system

Booting via BIOS and UEFI is supported. Secure boot in UEFI mode must be disabled since this software isn't signed. You may need to press <kbd>DEL</kbd> or <kbd>F12</kbd> on the keyboard on power-up to select the boot drive.

Debug logging is output via the serial port (115200 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control). The output should look similar to this:

[ Pure64 ]
boot bios
pml4 ok
acpi ok
bsp ok
pic ok
smp ok
kernel start

[ BareMetal ]
system ready

[!IMPORTANT] Booting from a floppy or USB drive works. For BIOS-based floppy boot and UEFI-based USB drive booting there is a RAM drive image loaded that contains the demo programs.

[!CAUTION] Doublecheck that you are writing the disk image to the correct disk

dd if=baremetal_os.img of=/dev/sdc

Once the disk image is written you can install the disk in the system and boot from it.

// EOF