

<h1 align="center">Reolink Go Api Client</h1> <p align="center"> <img alt="Reolink Approval" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/reolink-approved-blue?style=flat-square"> <img alt="GitHub" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo?style=flat-square"> <img alt="GitHub go.mod Go version" src="https://img.shields.io/github/go-mod/go-version/ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo?style=flat-square"> <img alt="GitHub tag (latest SemVer)" src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/tag/ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo?style=flat-square"> <img alt="Discord" src="https://img.shields.io/discord/773257004911034389?style=flat-square"> </p>

A Reolink Camera client written in Go. This repository's purpose (with Reolink's full support) is to deliver a complete API for the Reolink Cameras, although they have a basic API document - it does not satisfy the need for extensive camera communication.

Check out our documentation for more information on how to use the software at https://reolink.oleaintueri.com

Other Supported Languages:

The reolink-go-api project is the go alternative to the reolink-python-api project. It provides the same functionality, but just in pure Go.

WARNING...This is an untested repository and is in heavy development

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<a href="https://oleaintueri.com"><img src="https://oleaintueri.com/images/oliv.svg" width="60px"/><img width="200px" style="padding-bottom: 10px" src="https://oleaintueri.com/images/oleaintueri.svg"/></a>

Oleaintueri is sponsoring the development and maintenance of these projects within their organisation.


If go get is not working for you, please check out this amazing post about GO111MODULE=on here.

Using go get

GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo@latest

A Specific version using @v0.x.x

GO111MODULE=on go get -u github.com/ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo@v0.0.2

From source

mkdir -p src/github.com/ReolinkCameraAPI
cd src/github.com/ReolinkCameraAPI
git clone https://github.com/ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo.git


Check the examples/ directory for example code and implementations.

Implement a "Camera" object by passing it an IP address, Username and Password. By instantiating the object, it will try retrieve a login token from the Reolink Camera. This token is necessary to interact with the Camera using other commands.

package main

import "github.com/ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo/pkg/reolinkapi"

func main() {

// This can throw an error due to the API trying to authorise with the camera
// to retrieve the necessary token for future requests.
camera, err := reolinkapi.NewCamera("",

if err != nil {

// One can also defer the login process on object creation
// Omitting the username and password will default to the cameras defaults
// username: "admin"
// password: ""
camera, err = reolinkapi.NewCamera("",

err = camera.Login()

// now call any of the supported api's by passing it it's resthandler
ok, err := camera.FormatHdd(0)(camera.RestHandler)


Dependencies needed to make this work:

Dependencies needed for testing:


Styling and Standards

Golang project structure based off of https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout

// filenames are lowercase snake case

// usually a singular name or camelCase
package fooBar

// Format the parameters underneath one another
func HasManyParameters(
param1 string,
param2 int,
param3 bool)

// When there are too many parameters
// use uber functional options
// https://github.com/uber-go/guide/blob/master/style.md#functional-options
// ---

type options struct {
foo string
bar bool

type OptionFooBar interface {

// All variables are camelCase
type fooOption string

func (f fooOption) apply(opts *options) {
opts.foo = string(f)

// All variables are camelCase
type barOption bool

func (b barOption) apply(opts *options) {
opts.bar = bool(b)

func WithFoo(foo string) OptionFooBar {
return fooOption(foo)

func WithBar(bar bool) OptionFooBar {
return barOption(bar)

type FooBar struct {
PublicVar string

func NewFooBar(withPublic string, opts ...OptionFooBar) *FooBar {
// initialise the options
options := &options{
foo: "something",
bar: false,

for _, o := range opts {

return &FooBar{
PublicVar: withPublic,
options:   options,

How can I become a contributor?

Step 1

Get the Restful API calls by looking through the HTTP Requests made in the camera's web UI. I use Google Chrome developer mode (ctr + shift + i) -> Network.

Step 2

Fork the repository and make your changes.

Step 3

Make a pull request.

Test without a camera

All the tests implement a MockApi. The only test that could be a bit tricky is the RTSP client test.

To test this locally on your machine you could use the rtsp-simple-server

Setting it up is quite easy, however streaming the video feed needs some extra thought, especially if you are new to ffmpeg.


In your terminal:

//receives the stream and passes it along to clients


// this will start and encode the stream on the fly

ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1
-i vidfile.mkv
-c:a aac -b:a 64k -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -b:v 500k -f hls -hls_time 1 -hls_list_size 3 -hls_flags delete_segments -hls_allow_cache 0
-f rtsp rtsp://localhost:8554/mystream

API Requests Implementation Plan:




Supported Camera's

Any Reolink camera that has a web UI should work. The other's requiring special Reolink clients do not work and is not supported here.

Integrated source code from: