


GitHub Checks Workflow Status Auto Label Codecov Usage

<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://github.com/Renato66/auto-label/assets/9284273/2913d95b-0c38-4183-9663-fb5c659fe851"> <img alt="Example" src="https://github.com/Renato66/auto-label/assets/9284273/b913689a-e1dd-4d04-85be-0d542199b7db"> </picture>

The Auto label action will check for every new issue and automatically adds a label based on the body of the issue. This means that finding specific issues will be much easier.


Add a file to .github/workflows/auto-label.yml

name: Labeling new issue
    types: ['opened']
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          sparse-checkout: |
          sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
      - uses: Renato66/auto-label@v3
          repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Add a config file to .github/workflows/auto-label.json5

// see inputs for more examples
  labelsSynonyms: {
    bug: ['error', 'need fix', 'not working'],
    enhancement: ['upgrade'],
    question: ['help', 'how can i']
  labelsNotAllowed: [
    'good first issue',
    'help wanted',
  defaultLabels: ['triage'],
  ignoreComments: true


repo-tokenGitHub token for the repositorytrue-...
configuration-fileConfiguration file pathfalse.github/workflows/auto-label.json5...
ignore-commentsIgnore labels inside issue commentsfalsetrue...
labels-synonymsText synonyms for labelsfalse-...
labels-not-allowedLabels to ignorefalse-...
include-titleInclude title in labels searchfalsetrue...
default-labelsLabels that will always be setfalse-...
failover-labelsLabels to set when no labels foundfalse-...

Repo Token

Repo token is provided automatically by GitHub; just need to add

repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Configuration File

Configuration file can be created at any place at your repository, it will need another action to get the file like:

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          sparse-checkout: |

and it will look for any file named auto-label with the extension JSON or JSON5 or JSONC but you can also define a specific extension

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          sparse-checkout: |
          sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false

to set another place to store your configuration file, you should checkout and point with configuration-file input:

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          sparse-checkout: |
          sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
      - uses: Renato66/auto-label@v3
          configuration-file: 'src/actions/configuration.json'

Change bot appearance

If you want to change who added the labels, you can provide a user token

<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://github.com/Renato66/auto-label/assets/9284273/775b53f3-356d-4b7c-8c71-ed007beb6bf1"> <img alt="Example" src="https://github.com/Renato66/auto-label/assets/9284273/ab29c070-e511-4a25-ac34-784842b93d77"> </picture> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://github.com/Renato66/auto-label/assets/9284273/edc852c3-4962-475b-8da7-ac61bd340a2b"> <img alt="Example" src="https://github.com/Renato66/auto-label/assets/9284273/aedcdd0b-c538-437f-96cc-c4331a7c328c"> </picture>

The token will only need the public_repo scope

You will need to provide it as secret GITHUB_USER_TOKEN and update the issue.yml repo-token with: repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_USER_TOKEN }}

Ignore Comments

If you prefer to leave as default (true) You can provide a list of labels in a template for the author to choose which labels are available to pick But if you prefer to set it as false, the author can set the labels inside a comment so it doesn't appear on issue body

// .github/workflows/auto-label.json5
  "ignoreComments": true
<details> <summary>yml (deprecating)</summary>
ignore-comments: true

Scoped blocks

You can set a custom part of your issue/pr to be labeled using this structure:

Some text that could have a label that wouldn't be set
Another text that could have a label and will be set as a label

thanks to @dielduarte and @PauloGoncalvesBH

Labels Synonyms

Sometimes labels can be set upon other texts, as an example, if you have a label like C: VCombobox it would be hard to match the label in a normal issue, but you can provide a JSON to set it synonyms:

// .github/workflows/auto-label.json5
  "labelsSynonyms": {"C: VCombobox": ["combobox", "v-combobox", "combo box"]}
<details> <summary>yml (deprecating)</summary>
labels-synonyms: '{"C: VCombobox":["combobox","v-combobox","combo box"]}'

Labels Not Allowed

Some labels are restricted to repo owners such as needs priority testing won't fix they can be set in an Array form:

// .github/workflows/auto-label.json5
  "labelsNotAllowed": ["needs priority", "testing", "won't fix"]
<details> <summary>yml (deprecating)</summary>
labels-not-allowed: '["needs priority","testing","won't fix"]'

Default Labels

Labels that will always be set when an issue is created/updated such as triage, they can be set in an Array form:

// .github/workflows/auto-label.json5
  "defaultLabels": ["needs priority", "testing", "won't fix"]
<details> <summary>yml (deprecating)</summary>
default-labels: '["triage"]'

Include Title

If you want to exclude the title in the labels search, you can set it as false:

// .github/workflows/auto-label.json5
  "includeTitle": false
<details> <summary>yml (deprecating)</summary>
include-title: false

Failover Labels

Labels that will be set when an issue is created/updated they no labels found in the text, they will be set even if default labels are set they can be set in an Array form:

// .github/workflows/auto-label.json5
  "failoverLabels": ["need more information"]
<details> <summary>yml (deprecating)</summary>
failover-labels: '["need more information"]'


To add a badge simple replace <OWNER>, <REPOSITORY> and <FILE-NAME> name:

[![Auto Label](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/<OWNER>/<REPOSITORY>/<FILE-NAME>.yml?logo=github&label=Auto%20Label)](https://github.com/Renato66/auto-label)