

Profanity plugins

This is a collection of plugins I've made for the Profanity XMPP client. Click on the plugin names below for more information about each plugin.

Note that the plugins are created for Linux and X11, so they might not all work on other systems.


  1. Clone the git repo and run make to build all plugins or make <name> to build a single plugin.
  2. Run make install to install the plugins you've built.
  3. Within profanity, write /plugins to see a list of plugins and /plugins load <name> to load each.



When running /pastefile, the plugin will upload what you have in your clipboard and send it in the current chat window:


This plugin allows you to edit your previous message using syntax from the sed unix command.

After having sent a message, you can type e.g. s/old/new/ to replace the first instance of the word "old" in your message with the word "new". To replace all instances, add a g at the end.

For more information about the syntax, see GNU's manual on the s command from sed.