

Cosmos Indexer

Past Index Archive Download

Snapshot Export Data

Compression & Decompression

# compressed
tar -czvf network_start-end.tar.gz data.db
# decompressed
tar -xzvf name-of-archive.tar.gz

Getting Started

cp chain_config.json.example chain_config.json
# Setup the values correctly and ranges for blocks

# TASK Types:
# - download
# - decode
# - missing
# - sync (When you have it all indexed, use this to stay up on the tip. This gets latest chain & downloaded, and downloads / decodes all inbetween)

python3 main.py 0
python3 main.py 1


- Addresses of UNKOWN are for MultiSendMessages. These Messages do not contain the actual addresses.


    "sections": {
        "genesis": {
            "start": 1,
            "end": 2579000,
            "grouping": 1000,
            "rpc_endpoints": [
        "2nd": {
            "start": 2578000,
            "end": 4136600,
            "grouping": 1,
            "rpc_endpoints": [
        "end1": {
            "start": 4136500,
            "end": 6000000,
            "grouping": 1000,
            "rpc_endpoints": [
        "end2": {
            "start": 6000000,
            "end": 8000000,
            "grouping": 1000,
            "rpc_endpoints": [