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Getting Started with RediSearch 2.0

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RediSearch/redisearch-getting-started/master/docs/images/logo.svg" width="200">

RediSearch is a real-time indexing and search engine.

This project will let you discover the new major release (2.0) and see how to use it, in your application.

  1. Introduction <small><i>(2mn)</i></small>
  2. Install RediSearch 2.0 & Insert Data <small><i>(2mn)</i></small>
  3. Create Index <small><i>(5mn)</i></small>
  4. Query Data <small><i>(15mn)</i></small>
  5. Manage Indexes <small><i>(5mn)</i></small>
  6. Import Sample Dataset <small><i>(2mn)</i></small>
  7. Querying the Movie Dataset <small><i>(20mn)</i></small>
  8. Aggregation <small><i>(15mn)</i></small>
  9. Advanced Options <small><i>(5mn)</i></small>
  10. Sample Application