

BDS Development Helper

An IDA plugin to help you develop with bedrock dedicated server, designed specifically for LiteLoaderBDS.


  1. Install dependent libraries.
pip install pyperclip
  1. Download BDSDevHelper.py and put it in the path/to/ida/plugins folder
  2. Run IDA, observe the output like:
[*] BDS Dev Helper is loaded, ver 1.x.x.
[*] By: RedbeanW.


  1. Install the IDA plugin using the method described above.
  2. Go Edit/BDSDevHelper/Export... to export all til data.
  3. You can use Docs.py to generate documents from the exported data.
  1. Install the IDA plugin using the method described above.
  2. Go to Edit/BDSDevHelper/Analyze... to analyze and generate structure size data.
  3. You can use TilChangedReporter.py to generate reporter from the exported data.

WARNNING By analyzing the size of a structure through its constructor, the result may not be accurate and should only be used as a reference. Factors such as memory alignment, virtual functions, and inheritance can lead to errors.