

<img src="Documentation/Assets/logo.png" alt="Input Mask" />

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Input masks restrict data input and allow you to guide users to enter correct values.
Check out our wiki for quick start and further reading.

⚙️ Features

<a name="examples" />

💳 Examples

<a name="installation" />

🛠️ Installation


Make sure you've added Kotlin support to your project.

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.redmadrobot:input-mask-android:7.2.4'
    implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$latest_version'

📢 Communication, Questions & Issues

Please take a closer look at our Known issues section before you incorporate our library into your project.

For your bugreports and feature requests please file new issues via GitHub.

Should you have any questions, please search for closed issues or ask questions at StackOverflow with the input-mask tag.

<a name="knownissues" />

❗Known issues

InputMask vs. NoClassDefFoundError

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics;

Receiving this error might mean you haven't configured Kotlin for your Java only project. Consider explicitly adding the following to the list of your project dependencies:

implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$latest_version'

— where latest_version is the current version of kotlin-stdlib.

InputMask vs. android:inputType and IndexOutOfBoundsException

Be careful when specifying field's android:inputType. The library uses native Editable variable received on afterTextChange event in order to replace text efficiently. Because of that, field's inputType is actually considered when the library is trying to mutate the text.

For instance, having a field with android:inputType="numeric", you cannot put spaces and dashes into the mentioned Editable variable by default. Doing so will cause an out of range exception when the MaskedTextChangedListener will try to reposition the cursor.

Still, you may use a workaround by putting the android:digits value beside your android:inputType; there, you should specify all the acceptable symbols:

    android:digits="0123456789 -."
    ... />

— such that, you'll have the SDK satisfied.

Alternatively, if you are using a programmatic approach without XML files, you may consider configuring a KeyListener like this:

editText.setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener.getInstance("0123456789 -.")); // modify character set for your case, e.g. add "+()"

InputMask vs. autocorrection & prediction

(presumably fixed by PR50)


In this case text autocorrection & prediction might be a root cause of your problem, as it behaves somewhat weirdly in case when field listener tries to change the text during user input.

If so, consider disabling text suggestions by using corresponding input type:

    android:inputType="textNoSuggestions" />

Additionally be aware that some of the third-party keyboards ignore textNoSuggestions setting; the recommendation is to use an extra workaround by setting the inputType to textVisiblePassword.

InputMask vs. android:textAllCaps

Kudos to Weiyi Li for reporting this issue

Please be advised that android:textAllCaps is not meant to work with EditText instances:

This setting will be ignored if this field is editable or selectable.

Enabling this setting on editable and/or selectable fields leads to weird and unpredictable behaviour and sometimes even crashes. Instead, consider using android:inputType="textCapCharacters" or workaround by adding an InputFilter:

final InputFilter[] filters = { new InputFilter.AllCaps() };

Bare in mind, you might have to befriend this solution with your existing android:digits property in case your text field accepts both digits and letters.

🙏 Special thanks

These folks rock:

♻️ License

The library is distributed under the MIT LICENSE.