Generates a docker-compose yaml definition from a docker container.
Required Modules:
For building this project poetry is required. Install it with the package manager of your OS or if that's impossible with pip
Install them:
poetry install
Example Usage:
poetry run autocompose <container ids>
Generate a compose file for multiple containers together:
poetry run autocompose apache-test mysql-test
The script defaults to outputting to compose file version 3, but use "-v 1" to output to version 1:
poetry run autocompose -v 1 apache-test
Outputs a docker-compose compatible yaml structure:
docker-compose yaml file specification
While experimenting with various docker containers from the Hub, I realized that I'd started several containers with complex options for volumes, ports, environment variables, etc. and there was no way I could remember all those commands without referencing the Hub page for each image if I needed to delete and re-create the container (for updates, or if something broke).
With this tool, I can easily generate docker-compose files for managing the containers that I've set up manually.
Native installation
System-wide installation is discouraged. If you really need to, you can run pip install --user --break-system-packages .
(use at your own discretion).
There are unofficial packages available in the Arch User Repository:
AUR packages are provided by a third party and are not tested or updated by the maintainer(s) of the docker-autocompose project.
Docker Usage
You can use this tool from a docker container by either cloning this repo and building the image or using the automatically generated image on GitHub
Pull the image from GitHub (supports both x86 and ARM)
docker pull
Use the new image to generate a docker-compose file from a running container or a list of space-separated container names or ids:
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock <container-name-or-id> <additional-names-or-ids>...
To print out all containers in a docker-compose format:
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock $(docker ps -aq)
When making changes, please validate the output from the script by writing it to a file (docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.yaml) and running "docker-compose config" in the same folder with it to ensure that the resulting compose file will be accepted by docker-compose.