

red5-server - Red5 server core

Maven Central PRs Welcome

Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports:

The Red5 users list may be found here: red5interest

Subreddit: r/red5

Automatic builds (Courtesy of Apache OpenMeetings):


Previous releases

<i>Note on Bootstrap</i>

The bootstrap and shutdown classes have been moved to the red5-service project; the dependency has been added to this projects pom.


If you want answers from a broader audience, Stack Overflow may be your best bet.


Releases are available at Sonatype - Releases

Snapshots are available at Sonatype - Snapshots

Include the red5-parent in your pom.xml in the dependencyManagement section


in addition to any other Red5 projects in the dependencies section


Build from Source

As of release 1.2.2 the target JDK is now JDK 11 and the Maven poms use the toolchain plugin.

To build the red5 jars, execute the following on the command line:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install

This will create the jars in the "target" directory of the workspace; this will also skip the unit tests.

To package everything up in an assembly (tarball/zip):

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package -P assemble

To build a milestone tarball:

mvn -Dmilestone.version=1.0.7-M1 clean package -Pmilestone


  1. Create the eclipse project files, execute this within red5-server directory.
mvn eclipse:eclipse
  1. Import the project into Eclipse.
  2. Access the right-click menu and select "Configure" and then "Convert to Maven Project".
  3. Now the project will build automatically, if you have the maven plugin installed.


Features supported via plugin (These are mostly deprecated):

Older Releases

The artifacts for the following releases are no longer available; if your project requires them, you'll have to build them from source. The listings are here only for historical purposes.


Donate to the cause using

<table> <tr><td>BTC</td><td>19AUgJuVzC8jg16bSLJDcM6Nfouh9JvwKA</td></tr> <tr><td>ETH</td><td>0x5115e085937ba5B4AEc0FF5C3cAbF6eE523B7D97</td></tr> </table> <i>Donations are used for beer and snacks</i>



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