


A real-time 1D animation blender and player using Vulkan as graphical backend and ImGui for GUI.



./simple-animation-blender "Supported-Mesh-Path"

without quotation marks, if the app crashes on launch, check the log for info.

An Included Mesh for testing is provided, here

Note: You're machine must have a Vulkan supported GPU, and Vulkan runtime in case it was not included with your GPU driver (It probably is), otherwise the app will crash on launch.

Note for artists importing their models from 3D software: I highly recommend you to set your mesh in the origin and apply all transformations before exporting.

Supported Mesh Formats

This app uses Assimp library for importing mesh data, if your file is supported on Assimp, it should work fine, check supported formats.

Note: Only GLB/GLTF was tested

Building dependencies

This app supports Meson Build System, and it's recommended to use it for building, "meson.build" file describes the needed dependencies, however, here they are:


Using Meson:

meson builddir
cd builddir

Note: Vulkan Validation Layers are disabled by default, to enable them, turn debug boolean in Application class to true.


Source is Commented


This project is open for contributions, especially animating-related contributions :)


Developed under MIT License, by Mohammad Issawi, check License file.

Low Poly Character is under CC Attribution License.

ImGui was developed by Omar Cornut, all rights reserved.

Made with Slowly Walking Kittens