

Create React Unity App

Creates the Typescript project for React Unity. See core library for details.


If you want to add ReactUnity to an existing Unity project:

npx @reactunity/create@latest

If you want to create full Unity app from scratch:

npx @reactunity/create@latest -u

Create the React project in a custom folder:

npx @reactunity/create@latest custom/folder/path


Options can be used like: npx @reactunity/create@latest <options>

  -u, --unity                Creates Unity project from scratch and adds React project into it
  -i, --install [npm|yarn]   Run 'npm install' or 'yarn install'.
  -h, --help                 Print help


After a project is created, you can run following commands in the react directory. You can also use other package managers like yarn instead of npm.