

<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href="https://t-mullen.github.io/hyperhost/"><img src="https://s12.postimg.org/6asslh8hp/HH_logo.png" alt="HyperHost" width="200"></a> <br> HyperHost <br> <br> </h1> <h4 align="center">Peer-To-Peer Node Servers in the Browser.</h4> <br>

Currently just a prototype. A production version is in development.


Drag and drop your website (with at least an index.html) into https://t-mullen.github.io/hyperhost/.
It will be instantly served from your browser via WebRTC.

Node Servers

HyperHost emulates a Node server in your browser by replacing HTTP requests with WebRTC connections.
This, along with the huge number of Browserified Node modules, allows you to run a full server from your browser.

Drag and drop a folder containing a file an index.html and a HH-server.js. Inside HH-server.js, you can put your Node start script.

Example of a HH-server.js:

// HyperHost gives you access to a Node-like 'require'
var hyperhost = require('hyperhost'); // This special module lets us handle WebRTC connections
var fs = require('browserify-fs');    // require any module that can be Browserified
var custom = require('custom');       // require custom modules that you upload with the "HH-" prefix (ie HH-custom.js"

var app = hyperhost.createApp();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {    

    fs.writeFile('/home/hello-world.txt', "browserify-fs is used to create a virtual file system!");
    // Send any data over WebRTC (objects, files, blobs)
        exampleData: "send any serializable data",
        a : []


Pull from NPM

You can pull NPM modules via WZRD by adding a package.json:

  "name": "MyNodeApp",
  "dependencies": { 
    "browserify-fs": ">1.0.0", // These are modules that will be pulled from NPM
    "crypto-browserify" : "",  //

Client Code

Calls to this Node server can only be made from the pages being hosted. (Think of it like CORS)
Including hyperclient.js in your hosted files provides the HyperRequest object, similar to the XMLHttpRequest object.

//Here is an example request
var hyp = HyperRequest(); //Create a new HyperRequest
hyp.onload = function (response) { //Set the callback
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(response);
hyp.open("GET", "/"); //Set the method and route
hyp.send({ //Send arbitrary data to server
    message: "hello",
    moreData: [12, 42, 21, ],
    evenMore: {}

How It Works

First, the files you upload are read and seperated into static assets (images, HTML, CSS, etc) and server code (Javascript with the "HH-" prefix, or a package.json).

The static assets are base64 encoded and bundled into a single large file (with some extra scripts for changing page). The server code is injected into the host page, along with any external NPM modules. The server is now running.

When a client connects, they first connect to a signalling server, which helps with the creation of a WebRTC connection to the host page. When a connection is established, the static resource bundle is sent and displayed by the client.

The same connection is used to handle any subsequent requests to the host (by way of the HyperRequest object). These requests are forwarded to the server code, which sends a response back the same way.

Custom Usage

The demo at https://rationalcoding.github.io/hyperhost/ is just one use-case.
You can easily integrate instant hosting over WebRTC into any project.

var host = new HyperHost(); // Create a new HyperHost instance

host.on('ready', function(url){
  window.open(url); // Open the window when a URL is available

host.io.on('digest', function(){
    host.launch();  // Launch the server when digest is completed

// Digest the content to be served.
       name : 'index.html',
       content : '<html><body>Hello World</body></html>'
        name : "HH-server.js",
        content : 'var hyperhost = require("hyperhost"); console.log(hyperhost);'

Great for demos and hackathons!

Upcoming Features:

Current Limitations:

You can host the files in this repo anywhere (even on a file:// domain!) if you don't want to use Github's servers for the initial resources. You can also use any PeerJS signalling server (with the addition of a /api/peers route that returns all peer IDs)