

Hypercore Protocol Docs

The Hypercore Protocol is a set of data structures and networking tools you can use to build fast and safe P2P systems. In this repo you'll find links to resources that will help get you up and running with Hypercore.

We'll be continually adding new introductory docs to this repo, so check back soon!

Getting Started

If you're new to the Hypercore Protocol, we recommend you install Hyperspace, which is a server that handles a bunch of the nitty-gritty of P2P networking for you.

Main Modules


Intro to P2P Indexing and Search

Our workshop for NodeConf Remote 2020 has a bunch of exercises, starting at square one, that guide you through setting up Hyperspace, designing data structures on Hypercore, and eventually building and querying a large P2P database of IMDB data (metadata about movies and TV shows).


Why Hypercore?

@urbien, @pgmemk and the folks at Tradle have put together a great general FAQ. It's super thorough, so definitely check that out if you have questions.

Chat with us

Come say hello and ask us questions in our Discord.


For more detailed info about APIs, and specific usage examples, it's best to jump directly to the GitHub repos for the various modules in this org.