


LOVE-PE is a WIP program for hacking some resources inside exe files (and possibly .dll files) using love and lua only, with no native lua libraries dependencies (So it can run on Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and even iOS) !

Demonstaion GIF

Current Achievements:

Operating Instructions:

  1. Install LÖVE 11.1.
  2. Download IconPatcher-V0.2.love (Attached below).
  3. Download LÖVE for Windows (32-bit or 64-bit, both supported), from https://love2d.org.
  4. Create a new icon using your favorite image editor.
  5. Run the downloaded .love using LÖVE.
  6. Drop the .exe and .ico files
  7. A folder with open with the patched .exe in.
  8. Enjoy.


This version replaces the icon by patching the executable, instead of rebuilding it, so it has much more stability, it could only break the checksum which is 0 for more executables.

The resulting executable will have the exact size of the old one.

The new icon should contain the same image sizes of the exe one, otherwise the non-matching images won't be updated.

And because .ico uses bmp format, then as long as the .ico has the same images sizes and bpp then they will have the same file size.

When reporting a non working .exe, please upload the .exe and .ico and create a github issue: https://github.com/RamiLego4Game/love-pe/issues

Usable API:

Copy the love-pe.lua file from this repo into your own project, and here's the API documentation (It's available at the top of the script):

local lovePE = require("love-pe")

local icodata = lovePE.extractIcon(exeFile)
local success = lovePE.replaceIcon(exeFile,icoFile,newFile)
local success = lovePE.patchIcon(exeFile,icoFile,newFile)

local icodata = lovePE.extractIcon(exeString)
local success, newString = lovePE.replaceIcon(exeString,icoString)
local success, newString = lovePE.patchIcon(exeString,icoString)

--[[ Arguments:
exeFile -> A LÖVE File object open in read mode and seaked at 0, The source exe file.
icoFile -> A LÖVE File object open in read mode and seaked at 0, The new ico file.
newFile -> A LÖVE File object open in write mode and seaked at 0, The new patched exe file.

exeString -> The source exe data as a string.
icoString -> The new ico data as a string.
newString -> The new patched exe data as a string.]]