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PSNeo4j is a simple Neo4j PowerShell module, allowing you to quickly build up graph data from any of the technologies PowerShell can interface with.


Getting Started

Install Neo4j, and configure the neo4j user's password via (example)

# One time setup
    # Download the repository
    # Unblock the zip
    # Extract the PSNeo4j folder to a module path (e.g. $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\)
# Or, with PowerShell 5 or later or PowerShellGet:
    Install-Module PSNeo4j

# Import the module.
    Import-Module PSNeo4j    #Alternatively, Import-Module \\Path\To\PSNeo4j

# Get commands in the module
    Get-Command -Module PSNeo4j

# Get help
    Get-Help Invoke-Neo4jQuery -Full
    Get-Help about_PSNeo4j


We'll create a super simple database of systems and services - this could be extended to cover a wide variety of things for a custom CMDB

Set up defaults

# Set a password ahead of time, and maybe use an actual password generator : )
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "myneo4jpassword!" -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList neo4j, $password
Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration -Credential $Cred -BaseUri ''

# Did we connect?

Add some nodes

# Add some servers
    ComputerName = 'dc01'
    Domain = 'some.domain'
    ComputerName = 'dc02'
    Domain = 'some.domain'
    ComputerName = 'web01'
    Domain = 'some.domain'
} |
    New-Neo4jNode -Label Server -Passthru

# Add a service
    Name = 'Active Directory'
    Engineer = 'Warren Frame'
} |
    New-Neo4jNode -Label Service -Passthru

List everything in the database

# See what we have
Invoke-Neo4jQuery -Query @"
"@ | Format-List -Property * -Force

Add some relationships

# web01 relies on AD for identity and management
New-Neo4jRelationship -LeftLabel Server -LeftHash @{ComputerName = 'web01'} `
                      -RightLabel Service -RightHash @{Name = 'Active Directory'} `
                      -Type 'DependsOn' `
                      -Properties @{
                          Identity = $True
                          Management = $True

# Active Directory relies on dc01 and dc02
New-Neo4jRelationship -LeftQuery "MATCH (left:Server) WHERE left.ComputerName =~ 'dc.*'" `
                      -RightQuery "MATCH (right:Service { Name: 'Active Directory'})" `
                      -Type 'DependsOn' `
                      -Properties @{
                          ServiceHost = $True
                          LoadBalanced = $True

# Oops! Wrong direction.  Remove the DC relationships
Remove-Neo4jRelationship -LeftQuery "MATCH (left:Server) WHERE left.ComputerName =~ 'dc.*'" `
                         -Type 'DependsOn' `
                         -Properties @{
                             ServiceHost = $True
                             LoadBalanced = $True

# Add the DC relationships back with the right direction (AD depends on DCs)
New-Neo4jRelationship -LeftQuery "MATCH (left:Service { Name: 'Active Directory'})" `
                      -RightQuery "MATCH (right:Server) WHERE right.ComputerName =~ 'dc.*'" `
                      -Type 'DependsOn' `
                      -Properties @{
                          ServiceHost = $True
                          LoadBalanced = $True

This is just an example. There are better ways to represent the relationship properties

Check things out

Neo4j Browser

Add some indexes

# Add a composite index, and individual indexes
New-Neo4jIndex -Label Server -Property computername, domain -Composite
New-Neo4jIndex -Label Server -Property computername, domain

# Look at the indexes we created

# Maybe we only need a constraint.  Drop some indexes, add a constraint
Remove-Neo4jIndex -Label Server -Property computername, domain -Composite
Remove-Neo4jIndex -Label Server -Property computername, domain

Add a constraint

# Add some constraints on properties
New-Neo4jConstraint -Label Server -Property computername -Unique

Remove a node

# Remove a server
@{ComputerName = 'web01'} | Remove-Neo4jNode -Label Server
# Error! Can't delete if a node if it has a relationship... unless we detach it
@{ComputerName = 'web01'} | Remove-Neo4jNode -Label Server -Detach

Delete everything!

# This removes nodes, relationships, constraints, and indexes

# Alternatively, just clear nodes and relationships:
Invoke-Neo4jQuery -Query @"
