WTicks enables you to convert the selenium recorded scripts to simple standalone webdriverio scripts.
To Get Started, you can simply upload the .side file here. Select the Test case / suite, and then WTicks will fetch all the locators used, name those locators and then you can have your generated script.
Please refer to the output structure and suggest if required.
Output structure
- Suite = Object with List of Test Cases
- Test Case = Object with List of Commands
Parsing the Test Cases
Here we detect all the locators used by the user. it will assume the a particular command's comment as the name of the locator used in it.
Let's say if the script has:
{target: "#foo", command: "verifyText", comment: "fooButton", value: "foo"}
{target: "#foo", command: "click", comment: "since we verified the fooButton now we can click it"}
{target: "#foo", command: "verifyText", comment: "registeredButton", value: "registered"}
It will assume the name of the locator: "#foo" as "fooButton" but not as "since we...." / "registeredButton". as it first appeared.
Test Cases are parsed in the order as arranged in recorder.
Requesting for user input
- First we request for the Test Case / Suite after the selection, we would fetch its associated locators and for which,
- we would request you to fill the name for the locators before generating the script if not found the file that was uploaded. so assign them a valid js variable / function name. [NOTE: duplicate names are not allowed]
Parsing the commands
Now we map each command inside the script to a webdriverio command then finally we combine to generate the script.
Supported Mappings:
Selenium Command | WebdriverIO Command |
click | $(...).click() |
type | $(...).setValue() |
echo | console.log(...) |
uncheck | if $(...).isSelected() $(...).click() |
check | if !$(...).isSelected() $(...).click() |
open | browser.url(...) |
pause | browser.pause(...) |
sendKeys | browser.sendKeys([Key....,...]) |
debugger | browser.debug() |
setWindowSize | browser.size(..., ...) |
runScript | browser.script(...) |
assertText or verifyText | expect($(...)).toHaveText(...) |
assertTitle or verifyTitle | expect(browser).toHaveTitle(...) |
assertElementPresent or verifyElementPresent | expect($(...)).toBePresent() |
assertEditable or verifyEditable | expect($(...)).toBeEnabled() |
assertChecked or verifyChecked | expect($(...)).toBeChecked() |
assertValue or verifyValue | expect($(...)).toHaveValue(...) |
assertNotText or verifyNotText | expect($(...)).not.toHaveText(...) |
assertNotTitle or verifyNotTitle | expect(browser).not.toHaveTitle(...) |
assertElementNotPresent or verifyElementPresent | expect($(...)).not.toBePresent() |
assertNotEditable or verifyNotEditable | expect($(...)).not.toBeEnabled() |
assertNotChecked or verifyNotChecked | expect($(...)).not.toBeChecked() |
assertNotValue or verifyNotValue | expect($(...)).not .toHaveValue(...) |
waitForElementEditable | $(...).waitForEnabled({ timeout: ..., reverse: false }) |
waitForElementNotEditable | $(...).waitForEnabled({ timeout: ..., reverse: true }) |
waitForElementPresent | $(...).waitForExist({ timeout: ..., reverse: false}) |
waitForElementNotPresent | $(...).waitForExist({ timeout: ..., reverse: true}) |
waitForElementVisible | $(...).waitForDisplayed({ timeout: ..., reverse: false }) |
waitForElementNotVisible | $(...).waitForDisplayed({ timeout: ..., reverse: true }) |
Example Output:
import { remote, Key } from "webdriverio"; // Key is for sendKeys command
import { expect } from "expect-webdriverio";
// above lines for the imports required for performing assertions and running a standalone runner
// if you are using browser runner to execute the scripts then you can ignore the below configuration for the browser
const browser = await remote({
capabilities: {
browserName: "chrome",
"goog:chromeOptions": {
args: process.env.CI ? ["headless", "disable-gpu"] : [],
class Locators {
$(location) {
return browser.$(location); // you can either have it like this or simply $(location)
get search_bar_location() {
return this.$("#\\:Ril56\\:-label");
get youtube_search_bar() {
return this.$("#\\:Ril56\\:");
get search_bar_icon() {
return this.$(".MuiInputAdornment-root > span");
get tooltip() {
return this.$(".MuiTooltip-tooltip"); // $(".MuiTooltip-tooltip"); would do if you are running in WDIO Test runner:
get body() {
// name of the function = name of the locator associated with it
return this.$("#__next"); // locator
const pageClass = new Locators();
async function validating_the_search_bar() {
// name of the function = name of the test case
await browser.url(""); // mapped webdriverio commands
await browser.setWindowSize(518, 480);
await expect(pageClass.search_bar_location).toHaveText(
"Paste a valid Youtube URL"
await expect(pageClass.youtube_search_bar).toBePresent();
await expect(pageClass.search_bar_icon).toBePresent();
await browser.pause(600);
await expect(pageClass.tooltip).toHaveText("Invalid Input");
await pageClass.youtube_search_bar.setValue("checking");
await expect(pageClass.search_bar_location).toHaveText(
"Paste a valid Youtube URL"
await expect(pageClass.tooltip).toBePresent();
(async () => {
// list of test cases to run in case of the suite, it will list all the names of the test cases to run here
await validating_the_search_bar();
await browser.deleteSession(); // deletes the session after executing the cases
// not required if used in the WDIO Test Runner
- Create a npm package
npm init
on a directory - In package.json mention
type: "module"
- Create a file, copy the generated script, run it.
Missing Pieces
There are several commands I missed as mentioned here:, part of the reason is because i am looking for the expected webdriverio command or else it is selenium specific, either way I might have missed too, Happy to take note some critical misses.