


RKCalendar is a SwiftUI Calendar / Date Picker for iOS.

Features include:

Light Mode

<img src="https://github.com/RaffiKian/RKCalendar/blob/master/RKCalendar/Images/demo-app-light-mode-1.png" alt="demo app first screenshot" width="260"/> <img src="https://github.com/RaffiKian/RKCalendar/blob/master/RKCalendar/Images/demo-app-light-mode-2.png" alt="demo app first screenshot" width="260"/>

Dark Mode

<img src="https://github.com/RaffiKian/RKCalendar/blob/master/RKCalendar/Images/demo-app-dark-mode-1.png" alt="demo app first screenshot" width="260"/> <img src="https://github.com/RaffiKian/RKCalendar/blob/master/RKCalendar/Images/demo-app-dark-mode-2.png" alt="demo app first screenshot" width="260"/>

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This is an early version of this library that requires Swift 5.1 and Xcode 11



Integrate RKCalendar into your project by including the files in the "Manager" group.


See ContenView.swift for some examples. Typically create a RKManager and pass it to a RKViewController.

Customise the RKManager for the desired effects as follows:

Calendar minimum and maximum date setting

Setting the calendar, minimum and maximum dates that can be selected.

RKManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*24*365), mode: 0)

Single date selection

Use mode 0 to select a single date.

RKManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: maxDate, mode: 0)

Range of dates selection

Use mode 1 to select a contiguous range of dates, from a start date to an end date.

RKManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: maxDate, mode: 1)

Note, mode 2 is automatically toggled internally and the end date must be greater than the start date.

Multi-dates selection

Use mode 3 for selecting a number of dates.

RKManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: maxDate, mode: 3)

Disabled-dates setting

Use any mode and set zero or more dates to be disabled (un-selectable).

For example:

var rkManager = RKManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: maxDate, mode: 0)

rkManager.disabledDates.append(contentsOf: [


RKCalendar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.